Effects of smoking on Mother's womd
Smoking is much dangerous for a pregnant woman than any other
person. Smoking affects your unborn child. If you are going to
plan your family or are already pregnant, then you need to
concentrate on facts related to smoking. A Mother always wants
to give a healthy and fit life to her baby. But continuing with
your smoking are you really fulfilling your wish?
When you take a puff then the smoke that you inhale goes into
your baby's body. It affects his weight resulting into less
resistant body. Smoking affects his height too. Such babies
whose mothers had smoked during their pregnancies are generally
short in height. This possibility is much less in case of the
women who smoke a full pack during pregnancy. At this stage even
no physician suggests to continue this habit. Baby's body needs
more supply of oxygen to survive in mother's womb. Supply of
nicotine deprives a baby to consume his share of oxygen. Such
children are not able to adjust socially than children of non
smoking mothers.
Studies show that possibility of infant morality is 50 percent
higher when the mother smokes than in case of non -smoking
mothers. Children of many smokers die of sudden infant death
syndrome, or crib death. If pregnant women stop smoking by their
fourth month of pregnancy then still they are out of danger zone.
Parenting is a tough job. If you do not sound well in your
health then how will you be able to take care of your child?
Most women suffer from lung cancer that is a deadly disease. A
child always seeks for his mother's shelter. If you want to be
there all time for your child, then you need to stop smoking at
Passive smokers are more prone to the diseases than chain
smokers are. This applies on children also. As a matter of fact,
they are too sensitive to problems raised by the passive smoking.
By quitting the smoking you are rendering a new life to your
child. You and your child both will enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do for the usual
smokers. But alternatives will certainly work for you. There are
many support centers that can help you out. Just enroll yourself
in them. You can see your health care provider for solutions and
suggestions. Your one step to quitting the smoking will lead
your unborn to the path of a safe child.
For additional information as well as other articles to help you
quit smoking please visit the web site below.www.easily-qu