Scrapbooking for the Non-creative Person

If you feel that you are short on creativity but like the idea of scrapbooking, there are many options to choose from. Many scrapbooking kits are perfect for a new scrapbooker or for someone who wants help coming up with themes and ideas. There are also wide varieties of mini kits for those who have the basic scrapbooking tools (including the scrapbook) so that creating new pages is fun and easy. In other words, scrapbooking does not have to be an intimidating process, and anyone can do it. When you are stuck on ideas, consult the many books and websites that offer suggestions and tips. You can get some great ideas that don't require a lot of complicated creations. Scrapbooks can be as simple or elaborate as you choose to make them, and all types can be wonderful. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of your scrapbook is to create lasting memories, not to create award-winning designs! Classes are another good way for the non-creative person to get ideas and learn simple, effective techniques. Many craft stores offer classes. Your adult education system may also offer a scrapbooking class. Check with the local library and craft stores for any scrapbooking groups. You may find one geared toward "newbies" or other likeminded scrapbookers. Another way to help you come up with ideas and tips is to read scrapbooking blogs or join an online group about scrapbooking. A quick search on the web will generate multiple options. There are many groups designed for scrapbookers through Yahoo! groups as well. Browse through some that look interesting and consider joining. Many tips and helpful suggestions are passed along through these types of groups. Give yourself a break! Just as with any other craft, scrapbooking takes time to learn, and you will get better at it the more you do. As long as you enjoy the process, that's what matters most.