Achieving goals
Most of us set a series goals for ourselves and soon forget them
or loose heart in chasing them. Setting your goal looks very
easy, as you just need a pen and sheet of paper to write down
all those fancy action plans and deadlines. But to achieve those
goals, you need an iron heart and a dedicated effort. All of us
are capable to chase our own goals and reach them at a time in
future. But in spite of our tremendous abilities, we can not
achieve our goals. There must be some lacunae here, either in
our methodologies or how we approach the problem of reaching
those goals. The most important reason for failed attempt is
probably the loss of momentum, somewhere on the way and our
inability to pursue them again. Achieving goals is akin to
climbing the tallest peak in the world; only the tougher people
would reach the pinnacle with sheer effort and perseverance.
How do we achieve our goals? Are there any surefire techniques
to achieve those goals? What are the reasons that are inhibiting
us from achieving our favorite goals? Here is an analysis that
provides you some ideas on the ways to achieve goals:
1. Our mind and composure: Probably we are the biggest culprits
in any botched attempts to reach goals. We are the weakest link
in the whole process; we tend to blame others and situations for
our failure. Man is always attracted to anything that is
negative and backward looking. But goals, their accomplishment
and the ensuing beautiful life is still a mirage for us. We
never believe that achieving good things is very hard and often
takes a long time. We also tend to live in our own comfort zone,
which often inhibits us from reaching out to realities of life.
Achieving goals is a difficult task for those people who are
intensely negative and fickle minded.
2. Loss of momentum and a state of lethargy: This often happens
one after the other, in a clean sequence. Setting goals and
achieving such goals are entirely different stories. Once you
set the goal and start seeking them, you tend to loose your
focus somewhere midway and loose the momentum. Once the momentum
is lost, you'll probably loose your interest and the will to
pursue the goal again. Then a state of lethargy sets in your
mindset, inhibiting you from performing the second attempt.
3. Misfit goals and intangible objectives: Probably another
reason why most of us fail in our goals. We tend to overestimate
our potential and capacity while creating goals. Misfit goals
are those, which are not attainable and even if it's attainable,
may take a long time to materialize. Be to yourself and create
those goals which are achievable within the given timeframe.
4. Poor logistics and action plan: When you have a goal to
achieve, always create a plan that is made in sand, flexible
enough to change the course at any given time. Let your goals be
made of concrete and plans with flexible materials. Once you
have a plan ready, allocate enough resources to execute them.
Resources may be monetary or materials and even mental. You'll
need to sacrifice your personal time and undergo a lot of pain
while pursuing your goal. No pain and no gain!
5. Lack of Vision and a Cherished Dream: All great
accomplishments in human civilization were possible because of
great visions and passionate dreams. Unless you have a future
vision and a distinct dream, chances of reaching your goals are
remote. You may need to develop intense passion about achieving
your goals and such a positive trait will push you towards the
end point, by removing most of the common obstacles and