Goal Setting

Goal setting and its execution is a fine tuned process for personal development. When you set personal goals on a consistent basis, you will decide exactly what you want from your life and act with a clear cut plan to achieve them. This delicate process of setting meaningful goals and targets will enable you to choose anything you want and also where you want to go. If you decide where you are now and plan where you want to go, and then assign a well executed plan, you are on your way to gateway to success. Most of the highly successful people around us have achieved their success through some meticulous planning and effective goal setting. Goal setting also helps you to get some short term benefits and medium term advantages. By developing a healthy habit of goal setting, you can definitely make most of your life. When you set precise goals, you can quantify and be happy that you've achieved something significant in your life. Goal setting and working towards it will also make you a work horse, bent on somehow getting all those things and needs, which were not used to be with you till now. Goal setting will also instill a sense of pride and self confidence in your psyche, and such an achievement would not have been possible if you had not resorted to goal setting. Goal setting is performed on various levels of achievement; you will need to asses your position and decide what you want from your life on a long term basis. Do you need a house? Or do you wish to have a luxury holiday? The choice is yours and private. Long term goals are usually tough to finalize, because most of us can't differentiate between a long term goal and a medium term goal. Once you set your long term goal, break them up into smaller targets and attempt them, so that you'll reach the pinnacle step by step. Many battles are won to conquer a war! Once the plan is ready, you'll need to execute it to reach your dream. Goal setting also involves a combination of several areas of your life and each one of them is important while you set your goals. It is absolutely futile to achieve just one or two major goals while neglecting all other important areas of your life. For example, there is simply no point in achieving a career or professional goal, while neglecting your family or personal side of life. In fact it may be disastrous for your life. While setting goals, consider six major areas of your life like personal, family, spiritual, professional, financial and physical aspects, so that you will turn out an all-round personal development. Finally you will need to assign priorities to each of those areas and start realizing them one by one. Always remember that goal setting tests you patience and perseverance; never loose you patience and focus, as you may loose momentum in your quest for that elusive dream.