Local Government Apathy
Copyright 2006 Al Arnold
I have been concerned about government/political apathy for some
time. Especially, when it comes to local government. A unique
idea has come out of Nevada.
Daniel Rosen has announced his intent to run for U.S. Congress.
If elected, he promises to vote as instructed by his
constituents on his web site. He claims that "Registered voters
in the 2nd District of Nevada will have total control over how I
vote. I'm not running an opinion poll. It's a binding process."
I see problems of only having "registered voters in the 2nd
District of Nevada" vote on-line.
1) What kind of procedures will be needed to insure that only
"registered voters in the 2nd District of Nevada" cast their
votes on-line?
2) Will every registered voter will be given a password?
3) What about those "registered voters" who do not have access
to, or the knowledge of how to operate a computer? Would Mr.
Rosen purchase computers and classes for everyone?
4) Or, would the computer dummies become non-factors under this
Mr. Rosen correctly points out that even Congressmen don't read
all the legislation they vote on. Yet, he somehow believes that
if given this power, citizens will read all bills upon which his
vote will be cast. He states, "apathy comes from people viewing
themselves as perfectly powerless, and once people are really
convinced that their opinions count, then I think that apathy
will disappear."
Mr. Rosen's delusions don't stop there. It gets worse. He
further states, "I hope the system will be developed so that
legislators are bound by law to follow the dictates of their
What may I ask, has become of leadership? Has it really come to
the point where we don't even want our representatives to think
for themselves?
I have long believed in the quote of James Clarke, "A politician
thinks of the next election. A statesman thinks of the next
generation." Under which category would Mr. Rosen fall? Since it
looks like he is only interested in getting re-elected, I would
classify him as a politician, not a statesman. What this country
needs is a whole lot more statesmen!
So, as a observer and pontificator on local politics, why does
Mr. Rosen fascinate me? He only wants to destroy national
politics. This idea of direct democracy has to be stopped before
it finds its way down to the local level.
Imagine trying to decide whose street gets fixed with on-line
voting. How about voting on a new squad car? Do we need another
employee in the Clerk's Office?
How about local judges? They are elected officials. Must their
plea bargains be approved on-line?
The resumes for every teaching position are placed on the web,
and citizens vote who gets the job?
Mr. Rosen must be stopped.
Did I mention he was a composer and musician? Maybe that
explains his naive delusions?