Imagine scotland millions of years ago
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Imagine the world as it was. Go back millions of years, well
before mankind. But after the worst ice ages. Imagine the
mountain scenery around here. Glaciers have scoured out the
valleys. The glaciers have already dumped the huge boulders in
the valleys, the remnants of their terminal moraines. Earthquake
eruptions have already caused huge chasms and cliff faces where
roped rock climbers now go for sport. The slow weathering of the
mountain tops centimetre by centimetre, year by year, has caused
the mountain scree that runs under your feet to-day and is so
tough on your knees. It has reduced the height of the mountains
to mere 4,000 foot stumps from the giants of 14,000 feet they
were once, the size of the Alps, perhaps 40 million years
before. Yet, if you have a mind so to do, it is not difficult to
view this world exactly as it was. Exactly. To-days human
existence will be tiny specks and easy to ignore. They've only
been here for the 10,000 years since the last Ice Age. A little
dreaming and you are back in time. It will take you three hours
to get to the top. The easy method of looking back millions of
years. Just do the Cuil Hill walk to the top. 45 minutes,
nothing in it, on the other side of the Bay. Look North, South,
East and West. You are looking back millions of years.
Geological background Our Earth is 4500 million years old. The
oldest rocks that can be seen around Glencoe are over half that
age, being some of the oldest rocks on Earth. They form the
Lewisian complex and originated some 20km deep within the
Earth's crust between 2900 and 1800 Million years ago.
The Opening of the Atlantic Some 60 Million years ago the huge
Tertiary volcanic centres of Rhum, Ardnamurchan, Skye, Mull and
Arran were active. Vast outpourings of basaltic magma occurred
as Northwest Europe split from Greenland forming the North
Atlantic Ocean in between. As you drive to Ardnamurchan
lighthouse, if you keep your eyes skinned you'll see yourself
driving in a big circle around the old volcanic core. The shape
makes it quite easy to spot.
Glaciations Volcanic activity ceased about 50 Myr ago,and the
major scenery forming event of the Glaciations began about 2 Myr
ago to the end of the Great Ice Age some 10,000 years ago. The
landforms produced by this glaciation are well-known: U-shaped
valleys as seen in Glencoe - the Hidden Valley is what is called
a Hanging Valley. You can see glacial striations (lines) on rock
faces particularly buttresses, where rock fragments and boulders
have been dragged over the surface by the ice; and the
deposition of moraines at the snouts and sides of glaciers as
they melt and retreat. Look around the Clachaig gully.
Earthquakes The region has a long history of earthquake
activity, one of the earliest recorded events being in 1597 when
tremors were reported from Ross and Cromarty to Perth. Recent
monitoring by the British Geological Survey has recorded a
number of small local events, particularly in the North West
John Winkler