Mobile phones cause health risks

Whether you are walking on the road or in a store or in a parking lot, you'll see at least one person talking on a mobile phone. Even in places where mobile phones are banned, such as theaters, concert halls, hospitals, you'll find an occasional offender or at least a few people messaging on their phone. There is a lot of concern on whether or not mobile phone usage can harm a person's health. It is believed that one of the reasons for brain cancer is excessive usage of mobile phones. People are actually wondering if that could be the reason for an increase in the number of people succumbing to this fateful disease. Reports have confirmed that people are developing brain tomours at the same spot where they hold their phone. In the long run overuse of mobile phones can also cause cancer. Other studies reported that there is a greater risk of cancer but only with analog phone users. The radiations emitted by mobile phones can also adversely affect the health of a user. It is being suggested that the usage of hands free can lessen the problem of the head being exposed to the radiation. But opinions vary as some say it cannot decrease the amount of radiation exposure at all. Another fear of carrying mobile phones is the risk it generates while driving. It has been proven that a driver on a mobile phone is far less attentive and is more prone to accidents than a driver without a cell phone. Even a hands free is no big defence as hands free can only free up the hands for driving but not the driver's mind. Even people who are walking and talking at the same time on the road can put themselves in danger because they cannot concentrate on two things at the same time. The only solution to this is to go in a safe area before engaging in a mobile phone conversation. One of the primary health concerns with mobile phone usage is the impact of radiation. Researchers and doctors are continually looking to detect whether mobile phones can be a risk to your heath or not. The degree of health risks involved in mobile phone usage is yet to be determined. So far there is no proof that mobile phones are a health risk, or that they are a hundred percent safe. webmaster