Treating ADD With Behavior Therapy
While medication has long been used to treat Attention Deficit
Disorder, Behavioral Therapy has proven to be incredibly
effective as well and is now being used in combination with its
long utilized counterpart. There are many aspects of Behavior
Therapy, but the overall purpose is to train the individual to
improve their behavior and be more effective.
There are basically three principles to a behavior therapy
approach: set goals that are specific, provide consequences and
rewards, and consistently utilize consequences and rewards.
Basically, you should lay specific groundwork for acceptable and
unacceptable behavior; when either is realized, the
consequences, be them positive or negative, should be utilized
consistently and continually.
Examples of consequences are time-out, which removes the child
from their surroundings for a specific period of time; positive
reinforcement, which rewards positive behavior; or a token
reward system; which can be added to or taken away from
depending on behavior.
There are more in-depth behavior modification techniques that
should be utilized to help you child control their behavior.
Remember, ADD children suffer from forgetfulness,
inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and distractibility. Utilizing a
system to reinforce the child's ability to complete daily
activities in spite of these shortcomings will be the most
effective. For example, keeping your child on a schedule is a
very effective way to keep their activities organized. If they
wake up at a certain time, get dressed, take baths, do homework
and go to bed at specific times, they will begin to function out
of habit, at which point forgetfulness and distractibility
become less of an issue.
Likewise, organization helps a child with ADD stay focused and
reduces key items being misplaced. Have a set place for books,
backpacks, clothes, and toys so your child will react out of
habit in returning these items. Typically, routines prove to be
an effective treatment course for children with ADD.
You should also be aware of the difficulties your child has,
such as distractibility. Limit external stimuli during times
when concentration is necessary, such as homework time, or
during times when attention is necessary, such as mealtimes.
Help your child stay on task with the use of checklists, charts,
or organizers to track responsibilities and monitor progress; as
your child ages, this will teach them to function on a daily
basis regardless of their disorder. They will learn to write
down important tasks and to keep track of things they must