Poverty is not for the Poor

Poverty means lack of food, shelter, clothing and opportunities for work and education. It is the lack of supply for the needs of the community. Poverty has grown abruptly and we are left clinging in the hands of time waiting to be fed and nourished. It is doing and having what you wanted to do but doing nothing at all for the reason you remain incapable.

In a different perception, poverty is a result for having a poor management. In order to have a good government, it should be run by good public officials. If they perform their tasks defectively, our resources are affected, the poor becomes poorer and our economy declines. Since poverty is on the mount, we need to have a good government to heal all the economic deficiencies and political operations. If we lack resources, investing would be impossible.

Poverty in countries is being measured by the amount or value of the goods and resources they produce. So, the lesser resources and productions we have, the lesser opportunity is at stake for us. The lesser chances, the more probability we will sink in debt.

With poverty on the rush, how do we set alternatives to increase our livelihood? How do we invest and compete in a global world? How do provide ourselves with good valuable resources? We start by improving and enhancing our skills in order to bring forth more income to our families at the same time uplifting our nation