Urban Farming, Even In Doylestown, PA
"Urban Farming" Anyone can be a farmer, it is not "rocket
science." Growing plants can be done almost anywhere, even in
Doylestown, Pennsylvania, or downtown Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. You don't have to have large fields and hundreds
of acres. You just have to have imagination. People who grow
dope do it in cellars and in caves. Select plants to raise that
that you see being sold in quantity by local nurseries or garden
centers, then remember that "imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery." COPY WHAT YOU SEE.
In our area Arborvitae are in hot demand. These plants can be
started from cuttings or you can buy rooted cuttings. Thousands
can be grown in a 20'x20' area in small containers. Arborvitae
are not the only plants that you can choose. Dwarf conifers and
bonsai are other avenues to consider. The first thing to
consider is what plants you like. They make a nice starting
point. I like arborvitae. Plus they are easy to grow. There are
many types that are available. These can be grown from cuttings
or you can purchase rooted cutting or small liners. I suggest
that you raise Emerald Greens. They are compact and very
popular. A 2-3" rooted cutting in 3 years should be 2' if
growing conditions are optimal. These might sell for as much as
$5-10 depending on your market and quality. If you were to raise
1000 of them that might be $5-10,000. You can market them just
as I do on the internet. Being small you can ship them via UPS
practically anywhere.
An example of a plant that is NOT suitable for small plot urban
farming is an Oak tree. It is very fast in growing (good), but
has a big tap root, and is best marketed when over 6-8' tall.
You will use up your space with a hard to confine, large tree
that is not suitable for close compact container production.
Shipping will also be more costly as starter plants tend to be
larger hence larger shipping fees per tree.
I have sold many people 50 to 100 arbs at a time but never 100
oaks at a time. My largest order for arbs to one homeowner was
265. Try to target plants that will sell multiples to a customer
rather than just one at a time. If you target single plants to
individual customers you need high value plants for your sales
cost per unit will be higher. You will hear the same story from
your customers about 1 plant as you will about 10 plants. I can
tell you without a doubt that each customer will tell you about
his property and his neighbors dog. I would rather hear the
story once for each 10 plants that I sell. That is why I like
plants that sell in multiples to a single customer. Additionally
an unusual or exotic plant is seldom purched in quanity and the
buyer has little knowledge of the plant. They will have many
more questions about this plant. This translates to a higher
amount of time spent on a smaller volume of product sold.
Arborvitae are commonly used evergreen shrubs or trees useful in
urban areas where low maintenance and durability is needed. Many
cultivars with forms such as being globed in shape, columnar, or
narrow pyramidal, tend to be near buildings, doors, and
walkways. Other forms which are larger are used for screens and
buffers that are planted in rows. These plants will be easy to
raise on your small urban lot.
The form of arborvitae is small, medium, or large depending on
the cultivar. Some reach 50 feet, others only 3 feet tall. Most
prefer full sun to partial sun. Planting in dense shade
conditions should be avoided. A moist , well drained, loamy soil
in full sunlight are ideal conditions for growing healthy
arborvitae. These plants will tolerate rocky, clay, urban
conditions of heat drought and pollution. The most important
pest we have is bagworms which must be controlled to prevent
complete defoliation. Some cultivars have multiple leaders which
also prove to be a detraction for the plant. Pruning out
multiple leaders in some cultivars is a simple remeady.
As you raise these plants if you find that you are selling more
than you can raise on your property, an add in the newspaper
such as, "Wanted: land to grow trees on" will help you find
vacant parcels to use in growing more stock. This land may be
free to use as many owners want in urban areas land to be used
as it is then maintained. We have had many offers of free land
to use in raising nursery stock. (You should check with your
local BTK Code Enforcement Officer to make sure that this use is
Another suggestion is that you work for another local urban
grower. They may have facilities set up that they would allow
you to use after hours. When they see that you are a willing go
getter, they might even ask you to grow special plants that they
don't want to grow because the volumes are light or they are to
intensive in labor. At any rate it is the best way to learn the
trede and its secrets. Most nurserymen will tell all their trade
secrets because its the best way to help the industry and build
a network of reliable and knowledgeable associates.