Asbestos Statistics
The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting
it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the
subject of asbestos is certainly no exception.
Asbestos is a natural mineral that has been widely used in the
past in construction materials. But after the discovery of the
deadly health consequences related to asbestos, its exploitation
was banned. In spite of this, the prohibition could not stop the
damage already done to people that has been exposed to this
material either in the workplace or at home.
In 2002, 1862 deaths were reported to have been caused by
mesothelioma, which is one of the most common diseases related
to asbestos. It is considered that asbestos related lung cancer
deaths equal those caused by mesothelioma. And taking into
account asbestosis, there were 112 deaths in 2002 and in the
following year 655 deceases were reported.
The more authentic information about asbestos you know, the more
likely people are to consider you a asbestos expert. Read on for
even more asbestos facts that you can share.
There has been an increase in the yearly figure of deaths caused
by mesothelioma. In 1968, 153 deceases were recounted and in
2000 the number rose to 1633. In the year 2001, 1860 deaths were
reported and the next year there were 1862 cases. The highest
point of mesothelioma deaths is expected to hit Great Britain
between 2011 and 2015 with an estimated number of 1950 to 2450
deaths. This estimation is done considering the peak of asbestos
exposure in that country, which was around the 1960s. As regards
asbestosis, the annual number of cases reported in 2003 was of
655 cases.
This gigantic proportion of cases has led to the setting of
controls and regulations to reduce the risk related to asbestos.
The Asbestos Regulations has prohibited asbestos handling and
manipulation with a few exceptions.
Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn
may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.
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