When a Child is Born
When your child is born, it is the most wonderful moment of your
life. No one can explain that feeling fully, and when you first
come home and that tiny bundle is wholly your responsibility,
that is an awesome feeling.
And that tiny bundle already has it's own mind and believe it or
not, knows just what he or she wants and right there and then,
without you realising it, sets about getting it.
We can do courses for so many things, get degrees in many areas
but have you noticed, there are no real courses or degrees in
Parenting, the most important job you will do in your entire
That's why there are many articles written about various areas
of parenting from babes to teens. The experiences of others may
just help with our own concerns about our children and how we
are handling certain situations. These articles let us know we
are not alone and we are not the only one to have a problem.
I remember when my daughter was in her early teens, we suddenly
has this once very happy, loving daughter, exploding, stomping,
flaring up for no real apparent reason and calming down almost
as fast. That was as long as we didn't say anything, just let
the exploding, stomping, etc go on.
I kept thinking, it must be something I was doing or not doing,
then we received an invitation from her school to participate in
a Personal Development Program. Not knowing just what was
involved with this program we went along and found out it was
for just this very thing that had been happpening with our
daughter. and....we were not alone.
It was a great program as we did it with our daughter and even
though the highs and lows didn't go away, we knew we were not
alone. I know I had holes in my tongue from biting on it, well
not really, but I had to hold back on many things I would
normally have said something about. By doing that, the moment
would pass very quickly and my beautiful daughter would be back
to her normal self.
Her father called this time in her life the "galloping
hormones". There is so much going on, they don't understand,
their bodies are developing, they are not children anymore and
they are not adults either. It's like a no man's land or no
woman's land, time in their life, very difficult and if we don't
understand at least some of what is going on, we can hinder more
than help.
These kids are growing up faster today than when my daughter was
young. You know, we push and we shouldn't. From the start, we
are waiting for the first word, first step etc etc etc then, I
don't know about you but, when mine got to a certain age, I
wanted to put a brick on their head to slow them down. The time
was racing away and soon they would be all grown up.
We only have them on loan, so we must look after them, they are
precious. Our influence alone is for but a very short time.
Unfortunately today, our influence time can be very limited. If
you have to go back to work and leave your child in care, then
while it's not your fault, your influence is only the time you
had with your child before the "in care" time started.
I was fortunate, while we didn't have everything that opened and
shut in our home, we also didn't do without anything important,
I was able to spend the first 5 years of my children's lives in
the most important job I have ever done and that was caring for
them, being a Mum and I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
Once they started school, the outside influences came in,
through teachers mainly. and....teachers are gospel, especially
to a 5 year old. (don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down
teachers, they are wonderful) .So I was very pleased to be able
to have my influence, the values and guidance I felt was
important in life, instilled in my chlidren from an early age,
The time you are the sole carer of your chlid is the only time
you have to teach them your values, what you hope for them and
the type of person you hope for them to grow up to be.
I started collecting these articles for Kids and Teens Parenting
so other parents can feel they are not alone. I hope they will
help you and if there is an area you would like some information
on, please let us know and I will endeavour to find it for you.
We will keep adding downloadable e-books as we find them, so
even if it is 2am, you will be able to get help.
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