Acid Reflux Treatment In Pregnancy Makes A Difference
Acid reflux treatment in pregnancy can be a little tricky.
Balancing cures, diet and exercise with what's good for both
avoiding reflux and sticking to doctor's orders for the baby's
sake can be tough.
Let's face it, sleeping can be difficult enough during pregnancy
and the third trimester's the worst. Unfortunately, this is
generally when acid reflux tends to rear its ugly head.
That's right. That awful burning feeling in the back of the
throat, discomfort that feels like fire and a general sick
feeling that makes sleeping almost impossible.
To deal with reflux in pregnancy, it's a good idea to understand
first why it is so common. There are a lot of reasons acid
reflux and pregnancy go hand-in-hand along with the typical
heartburn many experience right out of the gate.
First off, pregnancy hormones can simply wreak havoc on the body
and then there's the simple fact that the wonder of life that is
your baby can, and does, press on organs in ways a first-time
mother could never imagine. Sleeping can be hard enough without
acid reflux, but it's an unfortunate side effect that can hamper
the last few weeks.
So, what's a mom-to-be to do?
The first thing is to relax. While acid reflux is a nightmare,
keep in mind that unless it's a medical condition that was
present before the pregnancy, it will likely go away as soon as
the baby is born. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
When trying to treat reflux in pregnancy, remember pregnant
women cannot or should not take a lot of the medications that
are suggested for acid reflux under normal conditions. Thus,
some pre-emptive strikes to avoid the condition are in order.
Here are some things that can help a pregnant woman avoid
horrible bouts of acid reflux and things to do to relieve the
symptoms if they start:
How to avoid an attack:
* Stay away from foods that can cause reflux. This means just
say no to chocolate! Sorry. It also means steering clear of
acidic foods such as juices and fruits, tomatoes, vinegar and
fried and fatty foods.
* Since you're pregnant and should already be staying clear of
caffeine this hopefully won't be an issue, but if you've been
having a few sodas or coffees a day, cut that out of your diet
right away.
*Limit food intake. Don't overeat.
*Don't eat right before bed.
*Drink tons of water. This is not only good for helping stave
off an acid reflux attack, it's also good for you and the baby.
*Elevate yourself when you sleep. Acid reflux involves a
"backflow" of stomach contents into the esophagus, stop it
before it starts by careful placement of pillows.
Even the best-laid plans don't always work for a woman nearing
term. If acid reflux strikes, check with your doctor about what
you can take. Some find that pregnancy-friendly Tums help,
others find getting up, walking around for a little bit followed
up by some water does the trick.
Don't get discouraged and just do your best to relax and let the
symptoms pass. Remember, acid reflux in pregnancy tends to go
away completely after the baby's birth. Think of it as a little
bump in the road on the way to something fantastic and you'll do