Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
Cosmetic Dentistry Today can shape, brighten, shade, align, and
replace teeth with remarkable materials and techniques.
When your smile is healthy and beautiful, the benefits can
follow. First an improved self-image influences a better dental
hygiene and an improvement in your overall health.
Can you truly say you're teeth are white? According to a poll
taken by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), when
asked, "What satisfied you least about your smile?" The number
one answer people gave was tooth color. Cosmetic dentistry
methods such as tooth whitening can give you a whiter and
brighter appearance, allowing you to smile with confidence.
The combination of science and modern cosmetic dentistry can
produce amazing results that frequently exceed even the highest
of patient expectations. This page is here to acquaint you with
the materials and techniques available in cosmetic dentistry and
restorative dentistry today. Fell free to read the following
descriptions of these procedures
Touch Ups Yellow or brown stains, white spots, asymmetrical gum
contours and uneven edges can disfigure your smile. Simple
corrective cosmetic dentistry techniques can bring dramatic
results immediately. All of the following cosmetic dentistry
procedures can usually be performed in the dentist office in one
or two visits.
A. Jagged tooth edges can be re contoured and polished in one
office visit.
B. Asymmetrical soft tissue contours can be corrected in a
single office visit with minimal local anesthetic. Your gums can
account for as much as 50 percent of the total cosmetic value of
your front teeth. This is especially evident in the smiles of
younger patients where gums are displayed a lot when smiling or
talking. An Anterior soft-tissue re contour is a procedure
accomplished in a single visit with a laser and/or
electro-surgery techniques. The results are dramatic and
predictable may last a lifetime.
C. Yellow or brown stains can be reduced by a simple "whitening"
process which involves a patented gel and a blue curing light.
The BriteSmile