Some Health Risks Created By Your Smoking Habit
By smoking, you are putting yourself at several health risks.
Cigarettes contain several different toxins and chemicals that
move throughout your body, leading to different types of
problems. These vary from mild problems to severe health risks
that may even lead to death. Following, are six of several
health risks that are probable in relation to smoking.
1. Leukemia. This is a type of bone marrow disease that happens
with an increase in white blood cells. Usually, this happens
because the white blood cells are unable to be controlled.
Leukemia is further exposed to be able to form in your body when
you smoke. This is because of the chemical used in cigarettes
known as benzene. This is a leukemogen that adds to the white
blood cells being uncontrolled.
2. Weakened immune system. If you smoke, you are more likely to
become sick more often, and can produce fatal diseases easier.
Colds, the flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. are some of the
different symptoms that you will be more exposed to. The
cigarettes chemicals move into the immune system and replace the
toxins that are used to fight off diseases with the chemicals in
the cigarettes. At first, this will cause you to become sick
more often, but after a long period of smoking, it may lead to
chronic illnesses that can weaken your system or cause death.
3. Osteoporosis. This is a symptom where your bones become weak,
especially in the hip area. This begins because the smoke causes
damage to nerve endings and tissue. This causes a lower level of
blood to move into the bones, eventually not allowing the right
nutrients to move into the bone areas. If you have an injury
with a bone and smoke, it will take a longer time for it to heal
as well. Eventually, this leads to lower bone density, which
causes osteoporosis later on in your life.
4. Premature aging and wrinkles. The smoke and the tar that are
in cigarettes take away the nutrients and oxygen that are needed
for your skin to remain healthy. This includes weakening the
collagen and fibers that are needed for healthy skin. These
fibers are what give your skin strength and flexibility. It then
replaces this with the radicals and chemicals that are in
cigarette smoke. Smoke also causes the blood vessels in your
skin to slow down. This takes away essential nutrients that the
skin needs in order to remain healthy, such as vitamin A.
5. Asthma. Asthma is a lung disease that occurs because the
lungs are unable to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and
carbon dioxide. This happens because the air flow to the lungs
is blocked off. This then causes swelling of the air tubes,
making it more difficult for air to move through. Asthma is
often related to the symptoms of shortness of breath, a tight
chest, coughing and wheezing. In smoking, asthma is often one of
the results. This begins because the toxins and chemicals from
smoking narrow the airways to your lungs and through the blood
stream. Because of the toxins in the cigarette smoke, your lungs
will respond by trying to create larger air sacs. This begins
severe problems with breathing because the oxygen and carbon
dioxide are blocked off from the normal air flow.
6. Altered Brain Chemistry. This includes things such as
addiction and withdrawal symptoms, anxiety and other imbalances
in your brain. This mainly occurs because of the nicotine
contained in cigarettes. This nicotine is used as an addictive
advice. It allows a smoker to believe that cigarettes allow them
to feel good, relax, and calm their nerves. The nicotine moves
into the brain and affects the natural system of chemicals that
are used to calm painful situations. These chemicals are then
consistently in need of being triggered by the nicotine. When
this constant feeling of relaxation and feeling good is not
noticeable, it causes a smoker to have withdrawal symptoms and
addicting habits.
Smoking can cause several different types of symptoms, all
leading to poor health. The toxins and chemicals that are used
in smoking cause your body to move into a state of being
constantly unhealthy, eventually leading to more severe
problems. By smoking, you are affecting every part of your
body's health.