How Ejaculation Volume Enhancers Work
How Ejaculation Volume Enhancers Work
To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume
of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male
climax works.
Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the
various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic
contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along
with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum,
and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The
contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen.
The first few contractions are intense and close together,
occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues,
the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at
less frequent intervals.
However, the larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's
available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to
shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more
That's why several products have hit the market recently that
are specifically designed to increase the volume of ejaculate.
Some products emphasize more the man's ability to impress a
partner (and himself) with a larger, more manly load. But one
notable exception emphasizes not just the greater pleasure of
climaxing with more semen, but the overall benefits to the male
reproductive system. That one is Semenax