The History of Davidoff Cigars
Davidoff is a byword for quality and style throughout the world.
It encompasses men's fragrances, ties, glasses, congac,
humidors, and briefcases, but it is based upon cigars. To build
a multi-million dollar business in the 20th century on a tobacco
product is a truly remarkable achievement. Inspired by Zino
Davidoff this companies products have become a must have for
affluent men around the world.
The life story of Zino Davidoff reads like a history of the
Twentieth Century. Zino was born in Kiev in 1906, his family
fled the pogroms to settle in Geneva and opened a tobacco shop
where Lenin was a customer. Zino traveled to the tobacco lands
of Central and South America at a young age, eventually ending
up in Cuba, for which he grew a life long affection. By 1947 he
had created his Chateau Selection based on Cuban Hoyo de
Montgomery cabinets. In 1969 Zino Davidoff was granted the
accolade from the Cuban industry of Havana brand.
In 1970, Ernst Schneider, a Swiss importer, became interested in
Davidoff's brand. Seeing the potential the brand had Schneider,
with the help of Cubatabaco's help, developed the brand into a
worldwide success. There were three series of Davidoff Havanas,
all with a distinctive flavor all to their own, the fullest
being the Chateau, the lightest being the Dom Perignon No. 1,
No. 2, and the Ambassadrice. They also offered a medium tasting
cigar, the Thousand Series.
It is truly a shame that these cigars are no longer available.
Because of a dispute between Cubatobaco and Oettinger the
production of Davidoffs in Havana ceased in March of 1990 and
the brand moved it's operation to the Dominican Republic.
Rather than try to recreate the flavorsof their former cigars
they instead set out to raise the bar when it came to what
people expect of a Dominican Cigar.
Domincan Davidoffs, dressed in their own claro Conneticut
wrappers, are immaculately tailored. Replacing the Chateau range
is the "Grand Cru" range by offering a the richest flavor of all
Davidoff cigars. The No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and the
Ambassadriceare as delicately mild as you can get, and the
Thousand Series ("Mille") have a mild flavor, though not as mild
as the others. There are also the Davidoff Special Selection of
heavy girth cigars, including the Davidoff Special R (Robusto),
the Davidoff Special T (Piramides), and the Davidoff Double R
(Double Carona).
Jeff Henderson