An Overview Of Cuban Cigars
This interesting article addresses some of the key issues
regarding cuban cigars. A careful reading of this material could
make a big difference in how you think about cuban cigars.
Cuban cigars are a product that equates directly to quality. The
very words evoke images of sophistication and glamour. Alfred
Dunhill did not call his book "The Gentle Art of Smoking" for
nothing. He understood that cigar smoking is an art form, that
provides a sense of contemplation, peace and appreciated
pleasure. The sale and importation of fine handmade cigars has
risen more 30% annually for the past several years. It's a
wonderful, relaxing past time that can be shared with friends
male and female. Cuban cigars on the whole are renowned as the
world's best, which would be hotly contested by manufactures in
Dominica, Honduras, Nicaragua, as well as others.
It's difficult for Americans to judge, since Cuban cigars, as
well as other Cuban products, are illegal in the United States
and have been since the Cuban embargo in 1962. And, yes, they
are still illegal. As recently as 1995 this question was
addressed once again. The following letter was sent to the
members of the Retail Tobacco Dealers of America Inc. from the
Department of the Treasury.
"Only persons returning directly from Cuba after a licensed
visit there are permitted to bring Cuban cigars into the United
States, provided the domestic value of such cigars does not
exceed 100 U.S. dollars and the cigars are for the person's
personal use and not for resale. Inasmuch as all other
importations of Cuban cigars are illegal, you must assume that
all offers to buy or sell such cigars in the United States
involve cigars that are imported illegally. Contrary to what
many people believe, it is illegal for travelers to bring into
the United States Cuban cigars acquired in third countries (such
as Canada, England, or Mexico).
Now that we've covered those aspects of cuban cigars, let's turn
to some of the other factors that need to be considered.
"It is illegal for U.S. persons to buy, sell, trade, give away,
or otherwise engage in (or offer to engage in) transactions
involving illegally - imported Cuban cigars. The penalties for
doing so include, in addition to confiscation of the cigars,
civil fines of up to $50,000 per violation and, in appropriate
cases, criminal prosecution which may result in imprisonment.
"We recognize that the prohibitions that apply to Cuban cigars
may deprive many consumers of a sought-after product. However,
these prohibitions apply to all goods of Cuban origin and are an
important element of the comprehensive program of economic
sanctions against the Cuban government which have been in place
since 1963. These sanctions have had the full support of the
past seven Administrations and were further tightened by
President Clinton in August 1994."
However, Cuban cigars do find their way into the United States.
It is estimated that some three to seven million Cuban cigars
are smuggled into the country yearly, mostly by business men in
their briefcases, military personal, and people returning from
vacations to foreign countries. You can't predict when knowing
something extra about cuban cigars will come in handy. If you
learned anything new about cuban cigars in this article, you
should file the article where you can find it again.