Stinking Linking Thinking
How many times have you heard "A link has to have this PR or
that PR to be of value" or "link only to relevant sites" and a
myriad of other "Expert" advice on the value of links and
reciprocal links?
As a webmaster myself I am grew increasingly weary of hearing
how "important" my links were in the eyes of a search engine.
Now this may sound brave or stupid of me but believe me when I
say it is neither. I could not give a FLYING HOOT how important
Google, Yahoo, MSN or the "Gurus" think my sites are and I don't
care what my PR is.
Am I completely nuts? Not at all, you see my sites have plenty
of traffic without me needing to worry about search engines.
Sure I can always use more who can't? But I am making a very
good living and without a big advertising budget or spending
hours and hours on SEO.
Why do I say that I don't care how important search engines
think my sites are? Because in 6 years as a webmaster and
webhost, Google, Yahoo or MSN have NEVER signed up for any of my
mailing lists, they have NEVER bought a product from me and they
have NEVER joined as a member of any of my sites.
The opinion that matters to me is the opinion of my visitors. It
is PEOPLE who buy my products and services and not search
engines. If they like my site they may even recommend it to
their friends. That is what I care about!
It is nothing more than logical common sense therefore that if I
want PEOPLE to visit my site I need to get links to my sites in
front of REAL PEOPLE! Even Google themselves say "Build your
site for visitors not search engines"
As webmasters we all need to stop the stinking linking thinking
and focus on what the REAL value of a link is. This is not
rocket science, links are valuable if they bring visitors
period! One variable, one consideration it's really simple.
In the last few years with all the SEO hype and advice links
directories have disappeared to the bottom of pages, featured
only with tiny text links. Or worse they have been renamed
"resources" or "partners" in the hope they will not be
interesting to surfers.
What's the point in that? Come on think logically, again is
Google bot going to sign up? NO! Is Google bot going to buy? NO!
So what is the point in going to the time and effort of putting
your link on another site if only a bot can find it?
Oh that's right! It will improve your search engine rankings and
bring you thousands of visitors. WILL IT? Are you at the top of
all the major search engines for several popular keywords and
getting thousands of visitors a day from them? If you are
congratulations! I hope you are still there when the search
engines change their algorithms next month.
My guess is if you are reading this article you are not at the
top of the search engines, but you are still hiding your links
away and following the advice of the SEO world, and praying for
that holy grail of a first page search engine placement.
Why webmasters hide their links is beyond me completely. What
exactly are they scared of? That someone may leave their site
and go to another site? I have news for you, that's what
internet users do, they go from site to site it's how the web
I have more news for you, EVERY page of your site at the top
right has a little "X" that will take people from your site.
EVERY page of your site top left has a home button that will
take people away from your site. And those two things you can do
NOTHING about unless you are the creator of Internet Explorer,
Firefox or all the other web browsers.
Wait! I have even more news, the one SURE THING about ALL
visitors to your site is that they ARE leaving. I don't care how
hot your site is, I don't care how great your product or service
is. I am not staying on your site for ever and neither is anyone
else not even you!
These days I personally choose (and believe me I learned this
the hard way by giving up a lot of traffic to follow the advice
of the SEO "Gurus") to put my links directory right there in my
main page, and on EVERY page where it can be seen easily by my
visitors. You see as people leave my site I do have a choice
where to send them. By hiding my link section I would by default
send ALL of them back to Google or Yahoo or what ever search
engine they use. I choose to send SOME of them to other
websites, websites who like me appreciate the free visitors and
in return send me some of their departing visitors.
If you are hiding away your links make no mistake you ARE
sending your departing visitors back to search engines. Search
engines who give you NOTHING in return. Maybe you even pay them
to advertise now that's sensible send them all your visitors
free of charge and pay for some of theirs.
If you were to show your link section clearly, and I have a link
on your site there is a good chance they may come to me instead.
And IF you show your link section clearly I will certainly
return that favor and send you some of my departing visitors.
How I get traffic to my sites is nothing new, it is not some
"AMAZING new traffic system", it doesn't cost anything and it
certainly doesn't require a lot of maintenance once set up. It
is based on how the web has always worked, links and people.
That has never changed, my guess is you are just not utilizing
that method any more. I made the same mistake and gave it up for
a while too. By hiding your links you are reducing the number of
visitors you get now, in the hope of thousands of visitors
later. Personally I'd rather have 300 visitors a day from my
links now than a "Maybe" of 20,000 a day some time in the
distant future.
You can take or leave this article as you please. If you are an
SEO "Guru" or "expert" please do not email me I do not want to
hear from you. SEO doesn't work apart from for a tiny percentage
of websites. Even if it does it offers only temporary results at
best. I have been there and done that. The FACT is even IF I get
to the top of the search engines after a lot of hard work or
financial investment you CAN NOT guarantee I will stay there.
These days Google and other search engines are changing the way
they order their results far too regularly to make SEO a valid
investment of my time or money.
A dating site I once owned was at number 3 in Google for term
"free dating" after some very long hard work optimizing the
site. Then in an instant the traffic stopped when Google changed
their algorithms in the famous Florida update and left my site
on page 56 of the results. It is simply NOT a good business
sense to invest time or money in results over which you have no
These days I have hundreds of visible links on other sites and
unless Google can shut down the internet there is NOTHING they
can do or change that will affect the traffic from those links.
To me at least that makes a LOT more sense for my business and
is a much better investment of my time.
I will tell all of you reading this article that I am currently
spending a LOT of time working with webmasters AND web users to
stop this rot. You see I re-discovered something very simple and
very effective that works. It benefits all my sites AND internet
users as a whole, so you can be sure I am going to share those
findings not only with other webmasters but with surfers too.
I have written e-books and articles aimed at both groups of
people, and have little armies of both types growing in numbers
daily. So pretty soon those surfers will know about your hidden
links (if you are hiding them) and use them anyway. The sad
thing is if you don't fix your Stinking Linking Thinking and
bring your links directory out of the bowels of your site, the
chances are you will not get a link on the websites of
webmasters who are showing their links and once again starting
to work together instead of competing for a first page search
engine listing.
The choice my friend is yours. You can link for traffic or you
can link for the "Maybe some day in the future first page
listing" that you have NO control over.
My advice is simple, invest in a decent links program to set up
your links directory properly and get active exchanging links
with sites who are SHOWING not hiding their link directories.
They are out there if you look for them and they are growing in
Forget site relevance, how do you know what is relevant to a
visitor? Do you know all your visitors personally? Do you have
some mind reading script I don't know about? Just because they
are on your widget site doe not mean they are not a keen
fisherman and not interested in a fishing site.
Link to any quality site that will make your link accessible to
people. Give your departing visitors choice of sites, they are
interested in more than one thing! A varied links directory is a
very useful resource to your visitors as they leave.
The advice from Google to link to "relevant" sites has always
puzzled me. How useful would Google be if it followed its own
advice and only linked to other search engines and those search
engines only linked to other search engines? Does their advice
make sense? Hell no!
By getting just 3 new visible links a day on other sites, will
mean over 1000 links pointing to your site by the end of a year,
links that can and will be found by real people. Does that sound
like hard work to you? 3 new links a day? It takes much less
thinking about than algorithms, keyword density, alt tags, meta
tags, trends and SEO. It also produces results and leaves you
free to concentrate on the people who matter, your visitors!
Finally one last bit of news for you. If you exchange quality
visible links with other sites that PEOPLE can find, guess who
else will find them? That's right Google, Yahoo and MSN so you
may well do better in search engines as a result, but whether
you do or not you WILL get visitors.
In closing please do not get me wrong. I am not against search
engines at all! I use Google daily, it is a very useful tool.
What I AM against is giving them complete control over my sites
traffic. What I am also against is the dreams being sold by the
SEO world, and thats what they are dreams with BIG odds of
success and temporary results.
Understand this! Search engines do not like SEO either. They
want to deliver accurate results to surfers not the best
optimized pages. If search engines dont deliver accurate results
surfers stop using them and they don't get to sell the
advertising that makes them their profit.
That is why Google and other engines are constantly changing
their algorithms to combat SEO tricks. SEO has just become too
complicated and too temporary in its results to make it viable.
Dump your stinking linking thinking people, start working with
and not competing with other sites and start getting visited.