Raise Your Website Traffic with RSS - Blogs and YAHOO! Part 2.
In our first part of this article, we raised the question of
whether blogging and its distribution tool, RSS feeds, are
really useful for Internet and Search Engine Promotion. Are RSS
feeds and blogs really the next big thing in web marketing,
distribution, and content creation--or are they just hype? There
is a lot of hype around RSS, blogs, and derivative technologies
like podcasting. But are they really useful to the serious
Internet marketer or are they just the subjects used by
marketers looking to create new products to grab our hard-earned
marketing dollars. We also covered the objections and
reservations from some Internet marketers about the usefulness
of RSS feeds and blogs to the bottom-line of their ebusinesses.
This can be contrasted to our discovery of people like Willie
Crawford and companies like Weblogs, which generate 6- and
7-figure incomes from blogs, RSS, and related technologies with
Google Adsense. To illustrate if the typical Internet
marketers--not just web gurus--can benefit from blogs and RSS
feeds, I promised to share my experiences with my new sites not
yet optimized for the search engines. With virgin websites, I
could observe the traffic pulling power of blogging, pinging,
and RSS. If you would like to read or familiarize yourself with
Part 1 of this article, you can read it at...
http://www.searchengineplan.com/articles/feb06-rss-prt1.htm To
test the effectiveness of the ability of RSS feeds and blogs to
attract and drive traffic to my web properties, I did some quick
and insightful research on the topic. Brandon Hong's Marketing
Rampage with Blogs and RSS was the resource best enabled me to
understand the techno-jargon associated with blogs and RSS
feeds. Believe me, I have a 10-year background in information
technology, and I can't make heads or tails out of the alphabet
soup served up by tech geeks on blog and RSS media. Plus, I run
a very busy SEO consultancy and virtual real estate (VRE