Article Writing for the Nervous
Article Marketing is the hottest way of marketing your web
sites, but writing does not come naturally to many people. We'll
show you an easier way to start your writing career. All through
school and then maybe college or university, even as the writing
became more detailed and longer. No matter how many times you
have done it, writing is probably a task that many of your have
continuously avoided. Now at a time when writing articles could
help your job or work, facing the job at hand can be daunting.
I'm one of those strange people that enjoy writing, but even I
get stumped some times and while there are a great number of
people who do like writing, there are still those who would
rather walk on hot coals than write an article. So for those
people and the ones who like writing and would prefer to be more
prepared here are some hints and methods that might help you.
Step 1: Prepare an outline or template first. One of the best
pieces of advice that I was given, many years ago, and which I
still use in my consultancy is: "Tell them what you are going to
tell them. Tell them. Tell them why you told them." Roughly
translated into an outline this is: * Pick a subject * Introduce
it * Go into your detail * Conclude as to why this was
important. Another template to think of - and one that gets
published often is: "Ten Reasons Why", "Top Ten Ideas", "Seven
Solutions" Well you get the idea. Step 2: Pick your topic Pick
something you know about and start jotting down ideas. I find it
easy to pick a temporary title sometimes other times I work on
the subject and then the title just comes along on it's on. The
Top Ten is always the easiest and as it is a popular one with
ezine publishers maybe you should make this your first one.
Maybe it is something for dog lovers so you could have: * Top 10
best ways to make sure your dog gets its walk. * Top 10 ways to
meet other dog walkers * Top 10 best ways to raise pups Well you
get the idea. Step 3: Headings and Summaries
The first sentence for your article, should immediately grab the
attention of your reader and introduce the subject of your
article. Many article sites ask for a summary of the article as
well. The summary is used in two places: * On the article site
as a part of the search process * On the search engine entry
that links to where the article is on the article site So you
can see that this is the place to pique the imagination of the
potential reader as well as get you well placed in the search
engines. Step 4: Add the Content
You should now be in full writing mode and able to jot down the
rest of the article, remembering the conclusion. Read it through
several times - but don't expect perfection. The more
interesting the article is, the more people will read and
remember it. The best ezine articles are between 300 and 750
words long. I have written longer articles of 1,000 to 1,250
words, and had them featured on web sites, but long articles
don't fare well in ezines. So pick your market and try to get
the right length for your choice of publication.
Step 5: The Resource Box This is the reason for writing. The
resource box is the 4 -7 lines that sits on the end of the
article. The format should be as: * Your Copyrights * 2-4 lines
about your expertise. You can usually include up to 3
hyperlinks. Affiliate links are generally not allowed - so give
your web site address. * The terms of using your article - the
expression "You may print this article without charge, provided
this resource box remains intact." Now that is it.