Making Your Visitors and Search Engines Happy
In the quest for the perfect website sometimes we overlook the
obvious and forget about aspects of the web that make it
enjoyable. We get caught up into what's cool or what our
competitor's site has that we lose sight of usability and
ultimate visitor happiness. Ultimately less is more on the web
and by keeping it simple we can retain our visitors and give
them the info and services they need without driving them away.
The web is built around information and people want to find what
they are searching for fast. They don't want to wade through
page after page to get to what they need. This is still the case
though because so much good info is buried under bad design.
After all the search engines are not perfect and even they have
a hard time sifting through all the excess. Here are a few tips
on making both visitors and search engines happy.
All good web design starts with a clear idea and is sketched out
into categories. Separating information into a hierarchical
structure is key here. Your site should include a few main
categories under which all subcategories will follow. This
should be built into the navigation so that there are few
choices to start then gradually grow into more subcategories as
visitors delve into your site. These subcategories should be
clearly visible in the main navigation usually under the main
header or left column. Using breadcrumb navigation links near
the header such as home / category / subcategory is a good
choice to let people know where they are on your site.
Using clear tags to show what each page is about is essential.
It also plays an important role in search engine optimization.
All pages should focus on one subject at a time with
interspersed links to pages that are about ulterior topics. The
title tag should be the same as the main h1 title of the page.
H2 and h3 tags should be used only if they relate to the main h1
tag. An example of this is if your h1 tag headline says "search
engine optimization tricks" then your h2 tag subtitle should say
something like "search engine trick #1". This just means your
h1, h2, and h3 tags should be closely related.
What you want to create is a clearly definable page that is easy
to navigate and read. Text font and size along with background
color play a role in how readable a page is too. A white
background with dark text is still the best choice because it is
easier on the eyes allowing for longer read times. Larger text
is also better then 10 point fonts still used by a lot of
today's webmasters. At high screen resolutions these fonts can
appear to be tiny so take this into consideration. Ultimately
you will have designed a font resizing feature into your pages
allowing for users to resize the font to their liking.
Text links or link graphics should be clear and descriptive.
Instead of ending article snippets with "read more" make them
descriptive such as "article title" which includes the actual
article title. Never use "click here" for link text. Use a title
that tells people where they will be headed once they click on a
link. People know that a blue underlined link must be clicked on
to continue. Making text links descriptive will help with search
engine optimization as well because text links describe to
search engines the pages they link to. If graphics are used as
links be sure to include alt text as you would use to describe
text links.
Only use graphics or photos if it is absolutely necessary. A
good use of imagery is when it helps to have a graphical
representation of what you want to get across. Displaying
unrelated graphics or photos not only ads to page load times it
also distracts visitors from getting the info they want. All
graphics should be optimized and where necessary include a link
to a larger version.
Adobe's Flash previously known as Macromedia Flash should only
be used in special cases. This would include anywhere
complicated user interaction is required. Having your sites
header in all flash is really unnecessary. Most Flash headers I
have seen also include repetitive music that in no way adds to
user friendliness. There is nothing worse then visiting a site
where brash music immediately starts playing. It's a guaranteed
way to get your visitors to leave.
Even though a large portion of browsers come with Flash
preinstalled it still leads to user frustration when they have
to install a new version just to view your site. This goes for
all media that requires special plugins. Most users won't go
through the hassle of installing a plugin to view your site,
they will just head for the nearest exit. If including media
such as Flash or Quicktime is a must be sure to let your
visitors know what plugins they need and put the media on a
separate page away from textual info you want them to easily
Remember when flash intro pages were all the rage? I do and I
still see people using them. The music starts playing and the
text slowly flies in with some cheesy effect. The "skip intro"
button is the first thing I look for just to get a glimpse of
what gem could be behind such a well thought out intro. Flash
intro pages test visitors' patience as well as kill search
engine interest. They do absolutely no good at all.
A well designed site should be clean and unobtrusive. The best
sites have a focused topic that is split up into hierarchical
categories. The text is easy to read and broken up into bulleted
points along with descriptive titles. Good design doesn't fight
us, it is friendly and it immediately make us feel comfortable.
All websites should follow good design principles if we want our
visitors as well as search engines to be happy.