Move 9 items: Increase Life-Potential 9 times!
Quick Feng Shui Enhancers for 2006: Year of the Dog
Happy Chinese New Year! May the year of The Dog bring you the
comfort of loyalty, companionship, and deepened relationships.
You most likely already know that with Feng Shui, the Chinese
art of placement, you can move furniture, use different colors,
and place accessories in specific areas of your home to Increase
Wealth, Deepen Love, and Improve Health.* But, I bet you didn't
know that your Feng Shui also changes every year. Now, before
you think that you have to redecorate every year, you don't! All
you need to do is move 9 items in your home according to a
sage-old formula. No formulas today, just the quick concept with
what to move and where to place it!
Concept of Yearly Energies: Generic to everyone, unlike your
basic Feng Shui,* there are nine yearly energies ranging from
the best of the best, to the worst of the worst. Each of the
nine energies sit in each of the eight magnetic directions with
one in the center position of your home. Explained in a
different way, each of the nine equal-sized sectors or areas in
your home has an energetic influence with specific attributes
that change every year. One sector will have the best energy,
one will have the worst, and each of the others has a value in
What to Move and Where: The key is to enhance the good energies
to make them even better and reduce the bad ones so you are not
under their detrimental influence. Segment your home into nine
equal sections as if you were putting an invisible tic-tac-toe
board directly on top of it. Each square has a different
directional location determined by a compass, each with a
specific energy (North, South, East, West, Northwest, etc.).
Look around your home to consider what existing items in your
home that you can move to each of the nine areas to maximize
this year's potential.
In the:
East: place "moving water" such as a fountain or fish tank to
enhance "new beginnings and/or recognitions along with scholarly
and academic endeavors."
Southeast: place "moving metal" such as a metal wind chime
(preferably with 6 or 7 rods) or chiming clock with a metal
sound to seduce "sickness" (the second worst energy).
South: place "still water" such as a glass vase or something
blue (a blue, glass vase is perfect) to reduce "cutting energy."
Cutting may mean broken bones, cutting your skin, and even
cutting with your tongue so be careful and think before speaking
in this area.
Southwest: place something made of wood in this area to help
future good fortune. Because the southwest is energy of
"intimacies and relationships," create a double-good move by
placing a wood sculpture of a pair (pair of lovers, dolphins,
doves, etc.)
West: place "moving metal" such as a metal wind chime
(preferably with 6 or 7 rods) or chiming clock with a metal
sound to seduce "severed fate and bankruptcy." (This is the
worst energy - it is best to avoid this area as much as
Northwest: place "quite metal" such as a metal bowl, sculpture,
or accessory to reduce "arguing and bickering energy." North:
place "moving water" such as a fountain or fish tank to enhance
the best of the best energy. Whatever the room, good things will
happen here. You may even have unexpected good luck specific to
what room it is in.
Interestingly, the morning after I moved the bed with our heads
pointing North (because of this year's best energy, it has good
Flying Stars, and is one of my husband's good directions), the
first words out of his mouth was, "Whew, I slept great!"
Tip: Always prioritize sleeping direction to combine good yearly
energies, natal Flying Stars, and one of the best directions for
the "more fragile" person sleeping in the bed. Here's the best
way to discover your natal energies in one convenient place!
Northeast: place something made of earth such as anything made
of ceramic or stone to enhance my "just right" favorite energy
which I call "ease and graciousness."
To enhance "bright future" energy in the center, place "moving
water" such as a fountain or fish tank to enhance the best of
the best energy.
Deepen Feng Shui: Depending on the room that each energy is
occupying, whatever happens in that room will be influenced by
that energy. For example, if the East area is your bedroom,
there may be new beginnings in your relationship. If East is
your office, you may have new beginnings an/or recognitions that
relate to projects especially ones that include writing.
My Yearly Success Map, oriented according to the direction your
house, makes it even easier ....
Next year gets even easier to maintain your good Feng Shui:
These items and the locations will help increase good things in
your life all the way through February 3 of 2007. After that
date, the energies move according to the formula that I told you
about. Make sure you are on my newsletter so I can give you
the new energies in 2007 where all you'll need to do is move the
same nine items; how easy is that?
I sincerely wish you only good things!
*To clarify a popular misnomer, there is not one Feng Shui map
generic to everyone. For consistent Feng Shui, if you moved in
your home between 1984-2048, there are 2048 maps and only one is
specific to you and your home. This is the map to decorate your
home with. Learn more: