Communication In The Family
The earliest lock in existence is an Egyptian lock made of wood,
found with its key in the ruins of Nineveh, in accent Assyria.
In construction it is the prototype of the modern cylinder lock.
There is mention of locks of simple design used by the Greeks
and Romans. With the exception of the development of ward locks,
however, little was done to improve the efficiency and
convenience of locks until the late 18th century.
In 1778, Robert Barron patented a double- acting, Lever-Tumbler
Lock that remains the basis of the modern key lock. His design
called for the use of a single key capable of raising the locks,
two tumblers together. Like that key, communication keeps a
family working together. So what is communication? According to
one dictionary, communication means, " to transmit information,
thought, or feeling so that it is satisfactorily received or
understood." Another dictionary defines it as" A technique for
expressing ideas effectively."
Meaningful relationships require good communication, getting to
understand one another, our needs and joys, telling one another
how much we appreciate all the kind things that have been done
for us. In other words, significant conversation shows that we
are not taking others for granted.
Never would you want to allow a communication gap to develop
between you and your spouse. Talk together freely. Your being
open and honest can help cement your marriage bond. Open
communication means that the parent will try hard to be
available when your child needs to talk if you are a parent,
make sure that communication is open at least from your side.
This is especially true for teenagers. Teen years are turbulent.
Adolescents experience emotional ups and downs. Teenage boys and
girls may want to be more independent, and they may resent
limits placed on them by their parents. Remember though that
such youths are still quite inexperienced and in need of loving,
patients help from their parents
When your teenager feels it is a good time to talk, it may be
your time to keep quiet and listen. We may be involved in other
matters at the time, still if your youngster wants to talk to
you, try to adjust your plans and listen. (OTHERWISE, HE OR SHE
MAY NOT TRY AGAIN). Teenagers need the reassurance that their
parents are there for them if needed.
Remember that good communication like Barrons Lock can unlock
many happy and joy filled years as a happy family.