How To Select A Name For Your Home Based Business
If you are launching a new business, you are probably in search
of the perfect name for that business. But what should it be?
What catchy title is most likely to attract the attention of
customers? If you want to select a name for your home based
business, start simply and don't over think the process. Often
times, the most obvious thing is that which we overlook because
we are too busy searching for the perfect answer.
You can start to select a name for your home based business by
taking out a notepad and writing the type of business onto a
piece of paper. What is it that you will be selling? Will it be
a product or service? Next, think of ways to make the title
unique and interesting. If you are the sole proprietor of a
business, perhaps you want to include your name in the business
title. For example, if Jane is selling pet bed designs and other
products, perhaps her business could be named "Jane's Pampered
Pets." Whatever the title, it should be indicative of the
product or service that you are offering. A business name will
draw more attention if it makes people smile so, if possible,
try to add a little humor to the title. If people enjoy the name
of your business, their interest will be peaked as to what else
they could enjoy about the business itself.
Before making a final decision on a name for your home based
business, make sure that you check with your state's business
office to confirm that your title is unique. You don't want to
begin a new business venture with any problems over trademark
infringement, so take the time to do your research on other
business names. Besides, your business is unique. It is all
about you and the service or product that you provide, so you
would want to give it a name that is equally unique.
When all is said and done, be sure that you select a name for
your home based business that you will enjoy displaying on
business cards and promoting both locally and nationally. The
name of your business is the first thing that people will
notice. Even before they surf your website, call you on the
phone or send an order, they will already be aware of your
business name. Make them smile and they will be eager to do
business with you.