G'day, Hello and Howdy!
I came across some really interesting information recently and
would like to share it with you. I'm not trying to sell you
anything; I'm just practicing my writing style. I've chosen to
write about topics that may be of some benefit to some people.
Please read and judge for yourself.
It all started because I recently met somebody on line who is
very successful in this business. He has offered to show me how
I can do it too, but as usual there is a catch! There's always a
catch! The catch is that I have to prove that I have what it
takes to "make good" in the world of e-commerce. As part of my
"initiation" I have to produce 10 articles and get each one
published in four different locations on the internet, and then,
I have to send him the URLs to prove that I've done it! Pretty
tough huh? Well considering most Internet mentors just want
people to give them money for an e-book, which only contains
stuff that you can get for free! Almost everywhere on line.
I think this activity based training is a much more effective
and realistic way to learn.
Anyway, here goes!
Keep an eye out for the following headlines and enjoy/apply the
information as you feel appropriate.
1. How to manage your personal computer. (To keep track of all
the information, URLS, etc. that you get when working for real,
online). 2. Do Click Exchanges Really Work? 3. No List No
Business! 4. Do you need your own website or not? 5. What the
H$ll is an information product? 6. Do you have what it takes to
be a success? 7. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day!
I sincerely wish you good luck and happiness
Bill Boyd
The above article was produced by Bill Boyd as of one of the
many training and mentoring projects that are part of the
activity based training programs provided for free at: Go there now take action!
It's free! Over 12 hrs of videos for those Audio/Visual