Credit Score Lowered When You Cancel Credit Cards
Most people are aware that anytime they seek a loan, the lender
will check their credit report to see if their credit history
warrants such a loan. Along with the credit report, the lender
will almost certainly check the borrower's credit score. Also
known as a FICO score, this score is a three-digit number,
ranging from 300 to 850, that represents the borrower's overall
credit worthiness.
There are several factors that come
into play in compiling a credit score. The score takes into
account available credit, any past due payments, and the length
of the borrower's history, among other things. Also coming into
play is the amount of available credit that the borrower has,
along with the percentage of the available credit that is
currently outstanding.
Borrowers often check their
credit reports themselves prior to applying for a loan in order
to look for possible errors. Often, they will see old accounts
listed that they didn't even know were active anymore, such as a
department store credit card from a city in which they no longer
live. The first response in this situation is usually to cancel
the account, since it isn't being used anymore. This could be a
mistake, and could actually lower your credit score!
is true that it may be a potential problem to have too much
available credit. Lenders could have concerns that the borrower
with ten credit cards might run out and max them all out. On the
other hand, a very important component of the credit score is
the length of the borrower's credit history. The longer the
better and those people with top credit scores usually have
histories of thirty years or more. By canceling an old account,
you could be reducing the length of your credit history, which
will then consist only of newer accounts.
There are
times when canceling unused accounts is a good idea. This is
particularly true if the accounts are relatively new ones. But
closing an old account, even if it isn't being used, could do
more harm than good for someone seeking a loan.