How To Compare Credit Card Interest Rates
Sometimes if you don't read the fine print you might find
yourself signing up to a credit card with extremely high
interest rates. And no body wants to pay extra when they can
The main secret to comparing credit cards is reading through the
marketing material provided, visiting their website and looking
around the internet for additional information.
Comparing Annual Percentage Rates (APR)
The most important aspect of comparing credit cards is the APR.
APR or annual percentage rates is to do with the amount of
interest you pay on your credit card if you don't make the
regular payments. APR's differ depending on the credit card
company and will also change depending on the nationally set
interest rates and the individual's credit rating. Comparing
APR's on different credit cards is fairly important when
selecting credit cards.
When reading marketing material look out for the following * APR
Rates * Billing Structures * Additional Fees and how they are
Finding The APR One of the best ways to find out what the APR
rates on a particular card is to do a quick search on the
internet. There should be a link on the credit card company
website about APR and rates and other financial information and
rates regarding the credit card.
Watch Out For Promotional Rates If you see a really nice offer
regarding low interest rates and special bonuses from a
promotion of a credit card company, note that there might be a
catch to it. Most promotional offers usually last for a couple
of months and what this means is that when the offer ends you'll
be back to normal rates which in some cases are not worth going
into. So make sure that the you'll be happy with the usual rates
before you take up any promotional offers on any credit card.
Lastly when comparing credit cards you should always compare
APR's of credit cards they you are considering along with
activation fees and additional fees and benefits. You want to
find the card with the lowest APR and fees possible. Don't
forget to look at promotional offers as well sometimes you might
find something worth while.