If it "all" belongs to God, does that include the maple syrup?
I recently was in a discussion with someone at a breakfast, and
we were going over our insights into a financial study we were
doing through our church. The person I was speaking to had said
that everything does belong to God, but it just seemed silly to
dedicate smaller items to the Kingdom. He had no problems
dedicating his house and finances to God, but he acted like God
isn't interested in everything, just the big stuff.
My friend even gave examples of dedicating his house to God's
work, as a place for people to gather and study. But he didn't
think that God was all that interested in the couch or the chair
or the jar of maple syrup because "it's just maple syrup."
Well, certainly, God is interested in the "big stuff" but I
believe he's interested in the small stuff too. In fact, I have
found that the "small stuff" tends to interfere with my
relationship with Christ more than the "big stuff" ever will. I
will even go so far as to say that it can be dangerous to think
that God isn't interested in our full dedication to Him and that
God has full ownership of everything in creation, the large and
the small.
Deuteronomy 10:14 tells us "To the Lord your God belong the
heavens, even the hightest of heaves, the earth and everything
in it." To me, everything means everything, including the small