It is a pity, if not tragic, that for 2000 years the "Christians" refuse to grow, they refuse to mature, they prefer to remain infants and talk about their Big Brother, Jesus, who did everything for them! Instead of getting on with the job Jesus asked his followers to do, they endlessly argue about baptisms, Trinity, who is "saved" and who is going to hell, throwing verses against each other from the same Book they all believe to be the infallible Word of God! Instead of picking up their own "cross", denying themselves and following Jesus' example, they spend their time and energy in fighting against each other. At the same time, by their childish attitude and ridiculous doctrines and creeds, push many a good people to atheism or to the arms of other religions, while the world around them is suffering more and more by wars, violence, hatred, exploitation, injustice and man-made disasters. At last, Christians, wake up! Christ does not need any advertising by you! All he wants you to do is to go about his Father's, your Father's, our Father's business! Do not deceive yourselves! No one has or can "save" you. You must save yourselves and the world about you. You must become peacemakers. You must hunger and thirst for justice and righteousness! You must, we must, be embodiments of love; we must demonstrate God's qualities in our lives. People with common sense couldn't care less about your doctrines; in fact they laugh when they hear you propagating your far-fetched dogmas. Who cares about dogmas? People want to see your deeds, our deeds! In the darkness of our present hedonistic culture, people look for a light to enable them to find their way "home". Are you this light? Can you be this light? Do you want to be the Light? It will cost you... Jesus was a human being like you and I, and he left a precious teaching and example for us to follow, in order to make this world a better place for ourselves, our families, the society in which we live and the world as a whole. The archons of his day crucified him because they could not stand his "woes" against them. It is as simple as this! Nothing mysterious about his death; he was hated just as all the true prophets before him were. His message wasn't popular because it hurt those he addressed. As you know, the Truth always hurts! Would you, self-proclaimed, self-righteous, "Christians", stand up and speak the Truth to the leaders of your country? Would you judge their warmongering policies? Would you, actually, be the Light in your country, opposing, for a change, the forces of darkness? In other words, would you permit yourselves to abandon Christian infancy, get out of your comfortable kindergarten, and do God's business? God can only change the world through you and I. It is only through us that He can manifest and thus affect things on this planet. Stop waiting for that illusive "rapture"! It is never going to happen! It is a utopia, a myth written for infants! No Messiah will ever come to sort out the mess we have created in our planet! We have to do it ourselves. Would you, please, do yourselves a favour? Just think soberly, and use your common sense, your God-given reason, to re-examine some of your childish religious doctrines, and decide to get rid of your deceptions. I am not saying that this is easy. Religious brainwashing is a serious mental and emotional disorder that does not go away easily. But you have to try. Nobody else can do it for you! And remember: "perfect love casts out fear". Don't be afraid of losing your "salvation"! After all, no one can lose something one does not have! "Salvation" is an ongoing process and it requires inner enlightenment. It is a lifetime spiritual evolution, for those who will choose and follow the narrow path Christ was talking about. Nothing easy about it... It takes self-denial, unconditional love and contentment. One must be content even if none of his/her prayers are answered, even if none of his/her dreams have been fulfilled. One must only care about being the LIGHT, allowing God to manifest through his/her inherent spirit - God's principle in each and everyone of us.