Powerful Tips for Coaching Basketball - Build Relationships
Let's go over a few tips for coaching basketball that will
greatly improve how your players perceive their relationship
with you as well as improving them as individuals. The
relationship between you and your basketball players is
extremely important. It's not just about teaching them the
basketball drills and skills on the court. You're in a position
of authority and responsibility. Your players look up to you.
Ever hear professional athletes say, "I'm not a role model. I'm
not responsible if some kid wants to copy what I do"? Many youth
basketball coaches take their responsibilites and position
lightly, also. You see, it doesn't matter what you think. It
matters what those kids think. If they're not getting guidance
at home or in school and they're looking at you for help, then
following you is very real to them. Be responsible in your
guiding role as Basketball Coach. Be sure your players know they
can come to you for needs basketball related and non-basketball
related. Advice you can give regarding their troubles off the
court will follow them for many years. I don't remember most of
the basketball drills my coaches taught me as a kid
specifically, but there were a couple coaches whose "life"
advice I still remember. That's powerful stuff! You have to
realize that only a handful of your players will go on to star
in high school. Maybe a couple will get to the college ranks.
Most likely none of them will go pro. But don't forget this
aspect of today's "tips for coaching basketball" - they ALL will
go on with their lives. The relationship you build with them,
the words of wisdom you can pass onto them; that can go a long
way in whether they decide to make something with their lives or
not. It can go a long way in whether they make good decisions in
five, ten, fifteen years on various life issues. These kids will
grow up to work in all kinds of fields with all kinds of
responsibilites of their own. Hopefully their parents are
guiding them properly. But we all know the reality of today's
America. Too many parents leave their kids on their own, letting
the TV be the one to raise them. No wonder so many kids feel
lost and unloved. But as their coach, you can be a shining
light. Do you look at coaching basketball as just a game to be
won? Or do you look at it as a chance to help mold your players
into quality human beings? I hope you take these tips for
coaching basketball seriously. I hope you realize the awesome
responsibility you have to your players. I hope that
responsibility doesn't scare you. I hope you embrace that
responsibility and run with it. I hope you build a quality
relationship with your players. I hope all this for your
players' sake. They need a strong basketball coaching figure.
They need someone to stand up and be lovingly strict at times.
They need someone to just listen sometimes without judgement.
They need someone they can count on for support ALL THE TIME. Be
that person. Build that relationship. Make a difference that
will last a generation. Reflect on these tips for coaching
basketball and use them.