Losing Weight with Sound
Copyright 2006 Mary Desaulniers
Every morning I put on my Holosync tapes and meditate to the
sound of Tibetan crystal bowls and rain--yes rain. The sounds
are soothing, miraculously mellowing. But I make my own sound
too--the AHHHH of Jappa meditation and the morning chimes away
like a symphony.
Sound not only brings a sense of inner peace; sound actually has
physical applications that can reduce pain and reverse the
progress of disease. It also has applications for use as a
weight loss tool. But before we look at that, let us look at
what sound therapy entails.
American Physician Dr. Royal Raymond Rife used sound frequencies
to reverse some forms of cancers. Unfortunately, his work was
banned in the United States in the 1930's. It was the work of
Dr. Hans Jenny several years later that brought the public to
understand the correlation between sound and vibrational fields.
A medical doctor, Hans Jenny spent 14 years studying the effects
of vibrations on various materials--powder, sand, pastes,
liquids. With the use of audible sine-wave vibration, he created
natural patterns that were the physical representations of sound
vibration. Using an oscillator to generate different
frequencies, he transformed the vibrating sand into beautiful
and symmetrical patterns. This was the beginning of
"Cymatics"--the study of wave phenomena. While Dr. Jenny did not
use his method as therapy, scientists who were influenced by him
certainly did so--notably Dr. Guy Manners who made a direct
correlation between sound vibration and the human body.
A more modern version has been revived at the Monroe Institute
using Hemi-Sync, that is, synchronized pulsing beat from the
hemispheres to regulate the body's healing potentials.
The basis of sound therapy can be summarized as follows:
a) Every form vibrates within its own specific range of
b) Every cell has its own frequency.
c) Every body has a composite harmonic frequency as unique as a
fingerprint. When the body is unwell, unbalanced in any way, an
aberrant resonant frequency is generated.
d) Because the stronger and more balanced vibrations can bring
the aberrant vibrations in line ( principle of entrainment),
transmitting healthy vibration to a sick cell or organ can help
the cell or organ restore itself to health.
Recent studies at the NeuroScience Research Institute in New
York have actually begun to study the physiology of this
phenomenon. Scientists have identified nitric-oxide molecules as
the pathway between sound and relaxed well-being. Because these
molecules help create the auditory system and are an active
agent in inner ear blood flow, researchers believe that
nitric-oxide could be seen as stress-busting molecules and
active agents in the physiology of sound entrainment.
Another leading edge researcher in the field of sound therapy,
Dr. John Diamond has demonstrated that human bodies can
discriminate between beneficial and detrimental sounds, even
when the ears are blocked. "Our bodies have a pulse," he writes
in Living the Field #11,"and so does music. In a healthy state,
we are in touch with our 'inner pulse'." Dr. Diamond suggests
that surrounded by the right sounds, we can all be invigorated,
energized and balanced. "Music," he concludes," can be an
important part of our program of primary prevention--the
preventing-illness-and-strengthening intention at a
pre-physical, energy balance level."
What do these discoveries mean for those of us who have weight
and stress issues?
Simply this: listening to calming music after a hard day at work
can help you stay away from the 5 o'clock binge.
Plan a sound therapy session after work. When you return home
from work, head straight to your bedroom( not the kitchen), put
on something comfortable. Light a candle if you wish. Then play
your favorite CD. Make sure it is something calming and has a
beat that closely parallels the beat of your heart.
Some pre-selection of listening material is in order here. If
you can feel the beat of your heart in the beat of the
melody--you have found the right sound entrainment CD. Waltzes
are a good choice; according to Dr. Diamond, the major arteries
of the extremities have a waltzlike beat. "The heart sounds
too," he writes, "can be considered waltzlike, the third beat
being tacit, or implied, as in LUB-dup-rest...LUB-dup-rest...and
so on." Or better yet, choose sounds that come from nature--like
babbling brooks or waterfalls. The rhythm in these sounds have a
way of taming the beast.
I have found this exercise to be effective for all kinds of
stress issues. At the end of the 15 minute music and sound
session, problems don't seem as bad anymore. You can go
downstairs and have an apple with carrot sticks and feel
perfectly satisfied.