Heartburn Cure! Tips To Mellow Down That Burning Heartburn Pain
Heartburn is described as a burning sensation that can be felt
in the chest specifically at the lower sternum. Such pain is
caused by a reflux of digestive acid that shoots up and enter
the lower esophagus thus resulting to a burning sensation and
acute pain.
This condition is also called as acid reflux, cardialgia,
pyrosis and GERD.
Statistically, 60 million of Americans suffer from this
heartburn condition and needless to say its never pleasant when
it occurs. That's why this article is written. To help you
alleviate the pain and ultimately achieve heartburn cure. But
because of the limitations of the length of this article. I'll
be just covering some general heartburn cure, but if you want a
detailed, step by step and immediate need for heartburn cure.
I'll be happy to help you, just follow the link at the bottom of
the article. It points to my blog and I'll recommend you to an
ebook that has proven track record helping people achieve
heartburn cure. Try to avoid scams, and this one is not. Because
over a thousand of ex-heartburn sufferers can't be wrong.
Enough of that and let's get to the meat.
Its already know that some substances can cause heartburn. So,
by simply avoiding this "triggers" you can achieve heartburn
cure before it even started. Pretty neat huh! But what substance
that usually cause heartburn? Well here's the top 10. Drum roll
1. Caffeine - The top spot goes to caffeine and its derivatives,
like colas, chocolates and some teas. This substances can cause
the esophagus sphincter muscle to relax, thus resulting to
backward flow of digestive acids.
2. Fatty Foods and Oily Foods - These substances slows down
digestion because they need special enzymes that can digest
them. The problem with longer digestion, foods begin to pile up
in the stomach increasing pressure to the sphincter of the
esophagus and eventually give way. There goes the digestive
acids again, burning the esophagus.
3. Tomatoes - Tomatoes and tomato based products also causes
heartburn. This kind of foods also relaxes the sphincter of the
esophagus muscles.
4. Smoking - The chemicals from puffing a stick of cigarette
causes to weaken the sphincter muscle of the lower esophagus.
5. Alcohol - Has relaxing effects on the sphincter muscle of the
Now that you know what kind of foods to avoid. Let's add some
tips on how to actually achieve heartburn cure.
You should try to eat high fiber diets. Also you can try some
herbal supplements like ginger tea or ginger ale, which by the
way is gaining popularity recently. Drinking lots of water also
provides heartburn cure. Swallowing saliva. Saliva reduces
acidity by 50%. Also it is best done with chewing gums, coz it
will stimulate to produce more saliva.
But still, these are recommendations. It's best to ask you're
physician before trying anything.