What is a Market Value Index?
market-value weighted index
A stock index in which each stock affects the index in
proportion to its market value. Examples include Nasdaq
Composite Index, S&P 500, Wilshire 5000 Equity Index, Hang Seng
Index, and EAFE Index. also called capitalization weighted index.
We use the term to find out the value of the property we intend
to purchase and resell. It is our formula for purchasing and
reselling property. Unlike most of you we do not use the real
estate brokers to price out our purchases and do not always rely
upon the comparable sales method used by brokers. In fact we see
a conflict (tension) between the real estate broker and us as
investors that can not be resolved. The broker wants a listing
and will try to get you the highest and best price for the
property. This may take months to do and may wreak havoc on your
cash flow waiting to make a few thousand dollars more. It also
is simply not right to use the opinion of somebody who has no
skin ($) in the deal.
We instead follow a sales index based upon the history of the
street, block, ward or if need be neighborhood to give us a
bigger picture of the actual value of the property.
We did not invent the sales index and in fact borrowed the idea
from the writings of many economics experts. Two of the most
notable are Case and Schiller. They are the economic guru's who
created the repeat sales index that is used by the Government
Service Enterprises as well as others. We simply analyzed the
writings (ten years ago) and began testing a localized model
using a history of all sales on the street from 1985 forward. We
then took into consideration the square footage, interest rates
and a couple of other items to equalize the properties.
This then gave us the price that the property should sell for (a
conservative price) and the price we should purchase the home
for based upon our profit requirements, carrying costs and
capital costs.
We then added in the mix the cost of a rehabilitation of a home
based upon post mortems and we were off to the races. Type in or
automatically gather the sales (depends on the county) then you
have the value of the home.The second calculation targets the
remaining costs based upon prior dealings with the lenders,
brokers and rehabilitation to tell you what you can expect as a
gross profit.
As a FrontGate client you will learn how to use this index and
only ask your broker for a reassuring opinion of value. Never
will you feel nervous about making offers.
So do yourself a favor and learn to do a market value index on
every property you purchase. Or let us teach you to perform
them. http://frontgateconsulting.com/