Off-shoring: Business Drives More Outsourcing Deals

According to Gartner Inc., the IT industry needs a drastic image make-over. And, not just a cosmetic make-over i.e. hair highlights for the Systems Administrator or designer clothes for the Software Developer. Gartner Inc. talks about dressing the entire IT industry in regular business suits, if pin-striped, all the better. What, you might well ask does an image make-over have to do with high-tech savvy IT guys. Well, Gartner Inc. believes, more and more business departments of enterprises are calling the spending shots related to the company's IT department. Within the next two years, Gartner analysts predict one-third of off-shoring / outsourcing IT deals will be pounded out from a business rather than a technical perspective. In simple terms, IT off-shore / outsourcing service providers will need to be up to the challenge of talking business and negotiating with customers from outside their IT department. Now, IT professionals will not only need to be tech savvy, they will also need to learn and speak the language of business. If IT managers are to ride the trend, they will have to be able to fine-tune IT positioning, and the way it is managed and regarded within their own company. IT professionals will not only be expected to be experts in their own field, but to be familiar and knowledgeable about business processes, as well, if they wish to stay in business. That means, external off-shore / outsourcing IT services providers need to respond to an increasing focus on business process by developing business process skills and solutions, if they are to court IT / non-IT staff in business development activities. This new business centric approach in the IT field is the direct outcome of shrinking company budgets without allowance for any expenditure on services rendered by consulting firms. Bill Hayduk, Director - Professional Services at Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc. in New York says: "We even wrote a white paper to justify why you would buy our services. Everything's a ROI calculation. We've turned into a partner for our customers, helping them make their case to the business units." And, Gartner predicts that cost savings are going to continue to drive off-shoring / outsourcing strategies. A statement that receives a nod of affirmation from Hayduk, who states: "CIOs are being told to cut costs any way they can." As the lust to save sees American firms searching the globe for best deals, global off-shoring / outsourcing will become the norm rather than the rule. And, US firms will entrench this delivery / management model into all business models in operation. Gartner analysts believe marrying business with technology was never more important than now. To retain a competitive edge over rivals, companies will have to establish successful, harmonious relationships between two very important organs of the organization. And, the flexible ability to roll with changes in delivery / management models by developing an off-shoring / outsourcing strategy balancing risk and value will be relevantly important, as well. Further, Gartner stresses focused IT application, use of global delivery and utility models, realistic expectations and cost savings, all combined will make off-shoring / outsourcing IT services a lean, streamlined machine that delivers business value making off-shoring / outsourcing essential for healthy company bank balanc To know more about this visit: