Backend Sales Mean Exponential Profits

If you're unsure what backend sales are, let me explain it this way. All of your customers are new customers at some point. New customers are expensive to come by. A backend sale is when you sell an existing customer another one of your products. When you sell a customer Widget A, it's a lot cheaper and requires a lot less effort to sell that same customer Widget B than it is to sell a new customer Widget A. But more importantly, you now have a captive audience to begin backend sales, which will grow your profits quite handsomely. You do not have to have multiple products when you launch your first website, but you should already have a second product in mind. Once you have built a list of loyal customers with your first product, you will then be ready to release your second product. You can email your list announcing your second product and profits will roll in all at once! Many marketers will break even or lose money on their initial product so they can build a large list of loyal customers. They understand that backend sales are where empires are built. I would like to illustrate the power of backend sales by giving you the following example: You have a product that you will sell for $97.00. Each week you make 5 sales. In six months you will have made 130 sales for a total of $12,610. Then you launch a second product for $149.00 for 2 days only. If only 20% of your customers buy your second product, you will make 26 sales for a total of $2, only 2 days! You could, of course, repeat this process as often as you like. If you're a beginner to Internet marketing, you must concentrate on your first product and getting it out there. Just be sure you understand the concept of backend sales and prepare to take advantage of this profit-making machine. These tips and many more plus over 12 hours of Internet marketing videos - absolutley FREE - are available at