Making And Enjoying Stylish Cigar Purses
A cigar bag/purse is an extremely graceful addition to a cigar
smoker. The cigar box/pursue has that old world charm that
surrounds any classy cigar smoker. The neatness, petite look has
an elegance of its own. The purse is not merely to hold the
cigars, its style statement. Usually pursues are decorated with
romantic beads, imageries and sometimes are rather strange and
quirky but in all they carry a class of their own.
Nowadays lots of people are using them as fashion accessories
although they are reminiscences of a long gone time. If you want
one for yourself either you can go any shop for the ready made
ones or you may order one for yourself. When you want one made
for yourself, you get to choose the design, look, feel and the
decorations also.
When you want to be creative, there is no stopping; you can have
movie stars, old buildings natural gems, colors .nature anything
imprinted on the purse. These days lots of jewelry is also used
on such purses.
Lot of websites sell these purses online and you can pick and
choose an elegant cigar purse/handbag at the click of mouse.
This way you can pick up designs and interact with the artists
who create them online and decide what design you will like and
the price as well.
Online, it's little easier to custom design as you can
simultaneously look over the other designs available from more
then one artist. If you are closely associated with any
particular person, object or any dancers, flowers etc, their
images might be placed on the bag easily.
Making a cigar purse is quite easy and all you need is some
simple stuffs and you should know knitting.
Some simple things required to make a purse:
To make your own purse you need just a simple cigar box,
photographs that you want to put up, any elegant artwork or gem,
lacquer, purse hardware, hinges, corners, claps and handles.
When you start making the purse, you just need to apply the gum
carefully and then apply the lacquer. Once you get the look you
want just screw everything to hardware.
If you want you can use suede and satin also. Vintage postcards,
designer fabrics etc. can be used to cover the outsides of cigar