How A Vase Of Fresh Cut Flowers Brings Romance!

Clients hire me because they are experiencing lack in their lives... either in the way of Money, Health or Relationships. Its the high-point of my day, when I hear how a client's life has improved since following the Feng Shui advise I gave them. Especially, when a client calls to announce their engagement... and ask if they should still keep flowers in their 'Peach Blossom' vase. What is a 'Peach Blossom' vase? To the Chinese 'Peach Blossom' refers to sociability, flirtation and romance. It has nothing to do with the actual blossoms on a peach tree. In fact, the vase is never even peach colored. Using your 'Peach Blossom' vase correctly will bring you more potential romantic partners to choose from. 'Peach Blossom' vase Trick? I was totally surprised how excited a Chinese lady became, when I began to tell her how to use her personal 'Peach Blossom' vase during her consultation. It seems her Grandmother in China had encouraged her to have a Feng Shui consultation and instructed her... "to find a Feng Shui consultant that could tell her how to use the Peach Blossom Vase Trick." I doubt that her Grandmother knew how rare such a consultant would be, because.... Only 5% of ALL Feng Shui consultants can determine your 'Peach Blossom' direction. N one of the one-size-fits-all Feng Shui books has your 'Peach Blossom' information or any of your other specific 15 degree direction. That's what sets me apart from the majority of Feng Shui consultants; because I show you how to locate all of your personal directions wherever you are... and I teach you how to use your beneficial directions and how to avoid your sabotaging ones... like your 'Lonely Pillow' & 'Consuming' directions. What You Must Know about Using Your 'Peach Blossom' vase! Using you 'Peach Blossom' vase, does NOT guarantee quality, just more quantity to choose from. You still need to use caution and decided for yourself... which are keepers and which to throwback. Also, it is more powerful to have your 'Peach Blossom' vase in a private area, such as your bedroom. The 5 Factors that MUST come together for Your 'Peach Blossom' Vase to bring you more romantic partners to choose from are: * Your personal VASE of your specific vase color, with... * Fresh CUT FLOWER of your specific personal flower color in... * Fresh WATER... (dirty water brings disastrous relationships) * Placing your vase in your 'Peach Blossom' 15 degree DIRECTION. * Plus...there's NO influence from your 'Lonely Pillow' direction. Are you interested in learning your 'Peach Blossom' and 'Lonely Pillow' directions? Well, for the first time even you have the option to order your own 'Lifetime Keys... Personal Feng Shui Report' with all the step-by-step guidance you'll need to identify and manage all of your Personal Feng Shui directions anywhere in the world. For more information or to order yours today visit... copyright 2003 P.K. Odle. All rights reserved.