Bill's Giveaway - Offer Made Only Via His Newsletter
This was my most recent email to my sites newsletter group:
On Saturday Feb 25th Starting at 8 am we will be giving away
free trees. This tree giveaway is our event that we are having
to benefit Black Farm Workers in Namibia. We are not asking for
any donations of cash. We have collected $24,000 worth of new
Carhart work clothing and are only asking that if you know of a
way to help us ship this clothing, please advise us on how to do
it. The clothing we have collected is new in boxes, shink
wrapped and on pallets. We will giveaway 10 Weeping Higan Cherry
trees about 2" caliper in 24" or larger baskets..... 10
Flowering crab apple trees in 24" baskets.....10 Heritage River
Birch Trees in 18" 100 Douglas Firs seedlings.
This is a first come first served basis. You may camp out over
night if you call us in advance. We will not load any cars or
suvs with these large caliper trees. We will try to have extra
trucks here that can deliver if you need this service. Limit 1
tree per vehicle.
Sincerely, Bill and Marge Hirst See our web site at