Advertising on a Budget
Direct Mail is a multi-billion dollar a year business. If you are advertising on a small budget; direct mail is the lowest cost to start your business. The latest incentive we hear on TV, Billboards & Radio Advertisements is to sell all kinds of future planning products. First, we need real potential customers.
With good planning there could be greater probability for successful income with a good mailing list.
Postcards cost less to mail than a first-class letter. A few pennies add up when multiplied by hundreds and thousands of pieces of mail. Postcards are a way to get your message across to every hand they touch.
Newsletters can provide information about your business. Use it as a marketing tool, not as an advertising tool. This outlet could enable you to share your knowledge about ideas and products.
Obtaining an ISSN could be beneficial
Card Decks are composed of advertisers
who have prescribed their offer(s) in one mailing to hundreds and even thousands of potential customers. This method is less expensive than post card mailing and the potential customer can select the ads that he/she is interested in and respond to them.
Very important, make sure your mailing arrives on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Learn about coming events so you can tie them in with your marketing offers. FREE offers can draw leads and interested people/businesses. Customers love a valuable bargain and it could bring you more sales in the future.
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About the Author
Independent Homebased Writer and Researcher.