All I Really Needed to Know About List Building | I Learned

All I Really Needed to Know About List Building | I Learned From Stephen King!

I have always been an avid reader of Stephen King's writings over
the years, he's one of the few authors that I can safely say
I have read everything he has written. Granted, I am a couple
of years behind, but I do manage to catch up as I get
the time and opportunity to read him.

Most of his work is pure fluff or entertainment but some of
his writings (Different Seasons comes quickly to mind) is some
of the Best Writing America has produced in the last 50 years
or so. In the same light, (in my humble opinion) Stephen King is
one of the best writers America has produced in the last 50 years.

Totally underrated mainly because of the 'genre' of his
writing - he's the perfect example of a 'stereotyped writer'
outperforming many of the stereotypes most critics find that
brings down his writing. Once you have been typecasted, it's
extremely difficult to break out of the mold that many people,
rightly or wrongly, have pigeon holed you into.

Regardless, whether you're on the '+' or '-' side of Stephen
King... I am firmly in the '+' column... you should look at
him for his 'list building' techniques!


Stephen King and List Building? What's up with that?

List building is all about building a direct personal
relationship with your contacts, prospects, or subscribers.
Readers must feel a direct connection with you; someone
they can trust and relate to in an one-on-one situation.

Your communications should have this friendly, causal feel as if
you're talking to a close confident or pal. It must touch your reader
on a purely personal level or you will not succeed in building a
good relationship.

Stephen King, in many of his books' Post Scripts or Author's Forwards,
speaks directly to his readers. These communications are friendly, chatty,
and intimate - like direct conversations with a close contact over a
cup of hot coffee on a Misty Maine Morning. Constant Reader please listen
up, I have something to tell ya!

Over the years, no doubt, these 'Direct Letters' to his 'Constant
Readers' have built up a fierce loyal readership that probably has more of a
direct correlation to his sales than many people would admit or could imagine.

His list must be in the 'tens of millions', readers who are eagerly
awaiting the next installment of this correspondence.
King, whether he realizes it or not (no doubt he does), has built up a
large contact list of eager readers who not only look forward to getting
their next King Fix but also looking forward to the next Author's Note
that touches briefly on the events in his own life.

This is a great way of connecting with his readers and one does get the
feeling that King 'genuinely' does care about his readers. It's something
that's read between the lines and can't be faked!

It also has a way of 'fleshing out' his writing; offering a personal
view or comments on his take of things. It is also a perfect way of building a more
personal relationship with his readers. Probably the only down side for King is
the few 'fanatics' that may take this relationship to an extreme level. An
unfortunate fact of living in the modern world.

In spite of this, building a large contact list has many more benefits
and as we see by the King's example, it can take many forms. For anyone in
the marketing field, a close study of King's list should be noted for
how it builds (over time) a deep loyal following that's ready and eager
to shell out for King's latest offering, time and time again.

Anyone building a large list should keep many of these points in mind -
making a direct personal appeal/contact and forming a relationship with your
readers or subscribers may take years but a loyal readership will pay dividends
for years to come. Rewards that can not only result in financial gains, but
rewards of a more personal nature which comes from knowing you have
helped someone by brightening up their day or putting a smile on their faces
- just with the power of your writing.

Powerful stuff indeed and worth a King's Ramson!

About the Author
