The Flow of Water
Water is essential for life on the Planet, we all know this, water holds a very special place for us for that very reason. Some of us fish, some of us surf, some own a boat, some of like water features near our homes, some own swimming pools, but all of us drink water. Perhaps there are serious supply issues where you are? Perhaps, there are filtration needs, upgrades to sewer plants, perhaps you are in a part of the world with no such facilities?
The Flow of Water is ranked near the top, because without water you have no civilization at all. If one were to travel to every city in this nation you would be able to tell each time when you are coming to where a city might be located simply by the way the terrain is formed and where water might flow. The towns are all built near water. These towns were originally connected by dirt roads, then the railroad connected the towns near water to fill up the steam engines, then they build the highways connecting the cities. But it all started with a river, creek, lake or well. Water determines, where and how we live. Why is the flow of water so important to our lives? Well, we are all familiar with the cycle of water. The evaporation, rain and then the long flow back to the ocean. .
There is not a shortage of water on this little blue planet; from what we can see with 2/3 of the Earth