Are Smileys Appropriate in Professional Emails?
When email first began, users discovered a problem. Concise
statements and words on a computer monitor didn't communicate
emotion or intent very well. Almost everything sounded terse and
harsh. It was difficult to convey the appropriate tone in which
the message was intended.
To solve this problem, users created symbols to convey emotion
and express feelings. These symbols are called "smileys."
Another term for them is "emoticons" which stands for emotional
Although there are hundreds of symbols, the most common emoticon
is the smiley face. It's created by typing a colon, a dash, and
a closed parenthesis. This is how it appears :-). It may also
appear without the nose (that is, without the dash), like this
If you're having trouble figuring this out, look at this symbol
:-). Then, lean your head to the left. Or, put your left ear
close to your left shoulder. Now, can you see the smiley face?
Emoticons are neat, and you may want to use them when sending
email messages to your friends. But, are these symbols
appropriate in professional email correspondence? The answer is
- it depends.
Emoticons don't belong in ultra formal email correspondence.
Yet, what about less formal situations? Can you use smileys in
informal business correspondence where you are comfortable with
the recipient? Yes, you can, as long as you exercise caution.
First, is this level of casualness appropriate for this
situation? If informality is acceptable, then it may be okay to
use smileys. However, if there is any chance the recipient will
consider you less professional or less credible because of such
informality, then refrain from using emoticons.
Second, will the person receiving the message understand the
smileys? Not everyone is familiar with these little symbols. If
the person has sent you messages containing emoticons, then it's
safe to say he/she understands. Otherwise, you don't really know
for sure.
Here's the final cautious word. If there's any doubt, omit the
Even if you never send an email message that contains emoticons,
you need to know what they mean. Someday, someone might send you
email that contains emoticons.
Here is a list of the most popular emoticons. Test yourself.
Cover the definitions with a piece of paper and see how many you
know, or can guess, without looking at the answers.
Definition of Smileys (Emoticons)
Smiley (Emoticon) Definition
1. :) or :-) smile (happy)
2. :( or :-( frown (sad)
3. :'( crying
4. O:) or O:-) angelic
5. :D or :-D laughing
6. :-| apathetic
7. x-( brain dead
8. :-|| really angry
9. :* or :-* kiss
10. ;) or ;-) wink (light sarcasm)
11. :P or :-p sticking tongue out
12. :-& tongue tied
Advanced Tip for Emoticon Experts
For those of you who are emoticon experts, here is an advanced
tip. How do you punctuate smileys? The smiley is placed at the
end of the sentence, after the punctuation. Here is an example.