Prime probability:
You have been and are being deceived by those you trust the most for your spiritual education. Some of that deception may be intentionally done in an attempt to control your behavior and your wallet and some may be done simply out of ignorance. Whatever the motivation, lies are being presented as truth; worse, often they are being presented as being THE TRUTH.
These deceptions are preventing you from knowing and owning your sacred and divine self.
Some of the lies you may have bought into are presented here and some alternative perspectives are presented for your consideration. Please remember that I am not doing this to intentionally offend or upset you and everything I say here is only my opinion. I only desire to wake you up to your freedom to choose what, how and why to believe, and to empower you to be free to be all that you desire to be.
Beliefs create reality:
When you are free to choose your beliefs, you become empowered to create. When you are imprisoned by your beliefs, you remain a mere creature.
Anyone, including me, who claims to represent THE TRUTH, is a liar, a deceiver. No book, no church, no prophet, no preacher, no guru, no writer has ever been granted an exclusive license to represent The Truth. You are the only consciousness that can ever determine what is true for you.
However, please remind yourself that whatever truth you choose to hold is likely incomplete, so why imagine or pretend otherwise? If there is some grand all-encompassing truth (and I doubt it), the human intellect is not a tool capable of imagining, defining, understanding or communicating it.
Why do I doubt that there is an all-encompassing truth? Simply because the infinite is infinite and contains all possibilities and potentialities, including its own potential to constantly become more than its own grand, all-encompassing truth.
In my experience with the infinite, it cannot be known completely, only approached. That does not mean that you cannot become intimate with it, only, as with a lover, you can only ever get closer to knowing the depth of what is available in the relationship.
To imagine that some current mythology, no matter how culturally pervasive or how stridently affirmed, is any more valid than any other, past or present, in any other culture, time or place is willful self-delusion.
As soon as you, or even humanity as a whole, decide something is known for certain, you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be proven wrong or at least incomplete with the passage of time and greater understanding. Every human understanding and belief should, therefore, be considered to be only theory, even when, or especially when, it is called fact or truth.
All good scientists know this. Even though Einstein