Why Do Children Look Cute To Us?
We find every child a cute child. We enjoy looking at the
children, love playing with them and share their happiness and
innocence with joy. Why? Is it only because the child is a
lovely child in looks? That is not true. We mainly enjoy being
with children and love them because they are honest. We love
children because of their innocence. We love children because we
are sure that child will not judge us and that we can be totally
free with the children without any fear.
Let us examine our relationship with grown ups. With most of our
friends and acquaintances, we are guarded in our approach. We
think before speaking. We try to hide most of our true feelings
and try to act in a way that we believe will maintain a make
believe relationship. How many times, have you thought of
shouting at someone, but have refrained from doing so? How many
times have you wished to laugh at someone's dressing sense but
have stopped that laughter? How many times have you really
wanted to tell someone few things but stopped midway worried
that it may spoil the relationship? Please think about the
artificial way in which we relate with grown up people. We do
all this because we are unsure of ourselves. We are unsure about
the other person's reaction and intelligence and we are unsure
about the relationship.
With a child nothing of this kind exists. We are free to express
ourselves in as many ways as we wish, without any reservations.
That is why we love children and call them cute. Everything in
nature that is innocent and unselfish looks cute. Please view
these screensavers to find out the majestic beauty of nature. Mountains and Countryside Screensavers