If I meet an angry man, somebody who is truly angry without a reason, I often wonder if the cause might be something as simple as small penis size.
I off course talk from experience of growing up with a tiny (as I discuss in my small penis size website), and I was angry about it. I was angry towards god, I was angry towards my parents, I was angry towards the world.
Think about it, this is what makes us men. This is what differences us from women. And the bigger the penis is, the more of a man we consider us to be.
Even if this is not conscious, this is underlying reality we have. Least for men who have small penis, like I did.
But the real problem is not having a tiny. The real problem is having low self worth. The lesson we were given to learn when we were given a small penis was to face our lack of self worth. We have to learn to base our self worth on our self as a person, as a human bean, not on how much money we make, how beautiful of a partner we have, how big of a house, or car, or our penis size.
We are not angry because we have a small penis. We are angry because we feel impotent. We feel less than other.
Before I managed to make my penis bigger by using some exercises, and self-hypnosis (see my penis size solutions), I started to face my low self worth. Before I saw any real changes in penis size, I saw changes in my social live.
Women I would have been afraid to talk to approach me. Situations where I would have been angry and hostile became happy and joyful. Not because my penis grew, but because my self worth grew.
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