Starvation and Diabetes Mellitus

Typical signs of diabetes mellitus for example are increasing thirst and hunger. Dropping weight for no obvious reason does not always mean to be some serious health problem, but can also be a possible symptom for diabetes. Patients then seem to suffer from starvation. This diabetes mellitus starvation actually happens on two levels. On the one hand you really run into starving for you obvious drop weight, even if you try to eat enough and provide your body with enough energy. Why you actually drop weight is due to the "starvation of your cells". What does that mean? When suffering from diabetes mellitus, your pancreas does not produce proper amounts of insulin. Insulin is a hormone with many functions, the most important being the "key" to open the cells for glucose. Glucose on the other hand provides the cells with energy. Without insulin the cells cannot be opened for needed energy, which means they are literally starving. If your cells do not get enough energy, your body reacts and you start to feel hungry. But if you eat more food, insulin is still missing and so your blood sugar level will increase. To reduce this again, sugar is filtered by your kidneys and is excreted via urine. Therefore increased urination is another sign of a possible diabetes disease. Because your cells are not fed with energy, your body thinks you are starving (do not eat) and therefore needs to get the energy for physical activities from somewhere else. Body fat and muscles are then used to provide needed energy. This is why you start to drop weight for no obvious reason.