Success Secrets - The Most Important Word In The Success Dictionary

I really can't stand leaving my office disorganized and that's how I felt when I left my office and went home yesterday.

I was up late last night doing some work from home, but that nagging feeling was there because

I like to walk into a clean, organized office each day. (I just feel better). Because of that I decided to get to work a little earlier today. It was quiet and after I straightened up, I looked over a few books I had laying around. In doing so, I re-read my favorite success quote of all time.

To me this quote also reveals the most important word in the 'success dictionary'.Before I share it with you, I want you to know why it's soimportant for you to really understand this quote.

To me, the beauty of this one sentence reveals the true secret of long term success. Let me explain.

Too many people are looking for the 'latest trick', the latest 'get rich quick' scheme; they're looking 'outside of themselves' for the answer.

Unfortunately, I don't think they're going to find it. Let me share with you a powerful insight.***The whole world revolves around VALUE. Let me say that again.

***The whole world revolves around VALUE. Here's more. The business of making money is all about having aVALUE for VALUE exchange.

You trade your value (money) for someone else's value(their product or service). The greater the VALUE, the more you'll 'trade' with them. It's really that simple.So here's my point and here's the quote. The point is you need to become a PERSON OF VALUE.

Here's the quote: Albert Einstein said, "Don't look to become a person ofsuccess, look instead to become a PERSON OF VALUE.***VALUE is the most important word in the success dictionary.

The faster you 'get it' and the faster you become VALUABLEto those around you, the faster you'll live your dreams andbecome financially free.

I can't stress this enough, BECOME VALUABLE. Add VALUEto people's lives.

Watch what happens.

Some would say the effects are magical.

I'll let you decide.

Talk to you soon.

Mike Litman

Mike Litman's Success Secrets

Mike Litman is the co-author of the #1 Best-selling book Conversations with Millionaires. Over the last 3 years, Mike has unleashed the greatness of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Networking Times Magazine called Mike Litman