Forgotten your new year's resolutions already? - how

How quickly we forget. We are only a few weeks into the New Year, how many of you have forgotten that you even made any New Year resolutions.

Why is that we start the New Year off determined that this is the year to get our lives together? This year I'm going to eat better, loose weight, go to the Gym, give up drinking or whatever. We start with so much enthusiasm and determination. But some how a couple of weeks in, other things are more important, we run of time or steam and we slid back into our comfortable old habits.

But spend a few moments thinking how good you will feel if you actually stuck to your resolutions - if you really did loose those 7 kilos or whatever it was you wanted. There is a big part of you that really does want to be happier and healthier, this year. So what gets in your way?

Is it fear or sabotage? Is it just being more comfortable with your old ways. Ask yourself how badly do you want a 'new you'? Or is it just some pie in the sky fantasy that would be nice if you didn't have to work too hard at it.


So if you really want things to change you do need to put some effort in.

1) Reconfirm to yourself what you want.
2) Make sure that your goals are realistic - don't try to loose 10 kilos in two weeks. Instead set a goal of