Feng Shui Tips for Your Kitchen

Feng Shui (say "fung shway") associates the kitchen with both health and prosperity. Couple this perspective with the role of the kitchen as "the heart of the home," and you can see that any feng shui problems in this room can have a significant impact on your family. Here are some quick tips for improving the feng shui of this important area of the home.

When your kitchen is clean, bright, and welcoming, the heart of your home is filled with good feng shui. The care and attention you give to enhancing this important area of the home creates a powerful, positive energy that supports the health and prosperity of your family.

Copyright (c) 2003 Stephanie Roberts

About The Author

GOT CLUTTER?!? Clearing out clutter is the most important and powerful way to dramatically improve the feng shui of your home. Stephanie Roberts' "CLUTTER-FREE FOREVER!" Home Coaching Program provides all the insight, motivation, and step-by-step guidance you need in an in-depth ebook and 6 weekly lessons. Plus, you can join our Affiliate Program and earn a commission on every referral sale. Find out more at http://www.clutter-free-forever.com
